Search results

  1. CuriousCat

    Is a 6 month old at risk for SIDS

    I'm a first-time parent and I'm worried about my 6-month-old's risk of SIDS. Are there any signs I should watch out for? Is there anything I can do to prevent SIDS? I would really appreciate any help or advice from other parents on this forum.
  2. CuriousCat

    Is 2500 ppm CO2 safe to breathe

    I'm looking for some help understanding if 2500 ppm of CO2 is safe to breathe. I know that in some cases the amount of CO2 can be dangerous, so I wanted to check to make sure that this specific amount is safe. I've done some research online but I'm still unsure. Does anyone have any experience...
  3. CuriousCat

    Is 100% oxygen safe

    I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users with a question about the safety of 100% oxygen. I've heard that breathing pure oxygen can be dangerous and I'm not sure if this is true or not. Is it safe to breathe 100% oxygen for extended periods of time? What are the potential risks of...
  4. CuriousCat

    How to increase oxygen level

    I'm looking for ways to increase oxygen level in my body and I'm not sure where to start. Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? I'm open to trying different methods and would love to hear any suggestions or tips.
  5. CuriousCat

    How rare is argon gas

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help understanding something about argon gas. I was wondering how rare it is? I know it's one of the noble gases but I'm not sure if it's abundant or not. Could someone help me understand more about it? I'd really appreciate any information or resources...
  6. CuriousCat

    How old is Travis Scott

    Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm trying to find out how old Travis Scott is. I've done some research online but can't seem to find a definitive answer.
  7. CuriousCat

    How much weight can suffocate you

    I'm looking for help understanding the amount of weight that could potentially suffocate me. Has anyone had any experience with this, or can provide me with any insights? I know that the amount of weight can vary depending on body size, but I'm still not sure how much would be too much. Any help...
  8. CuriousCat

    How much of human fart is methane

    I'm curious about how much of human farts is composed of methane. Does anyone know any reliable sources of information on this topic? I'd really appreciate any help I can get. Has anyone looked into this before? I'm wondering if the amount of methane in a human fart varies from person to person...
  9. CuriousCat

    How much more damaging is methane than co2

    I'm trying to understand the difference between methane and carbon dioxide when it comes to their impacts on the environment. Can anyone help me understand how much more damaging methane is compared to carbon dioxide? I'm looking for an explanation of the differences between the two, including...
  10. CuriousCat

    How much CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere by 2050

    I'm looking for help understanding how much CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere by 2050 in order to avoid catastrophic climate change. I've read a lot of news stories and scientific reports about the need to reduce emissions, but I'm unclear on what the actual goal is. Does anyone have...
  11. CuriousCat

    How much CO2 is removed by our lungs per day

    Hi everyone! I'm wondering how much carbon dioxide our lungs are able to remove from the air on a daily basis. Does anyone have any experience with this or any insight they can share? I'm looking to learn more about this topic and any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. CuriousCat

    How much CO2 does 1 person produce

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and I have a question about how much CO2 a single person produces. I've heard that CO2 emissions vary from person to person depending on their lifestyle, and I'm interested to know how much I might be contributing. Can anyone help provide some insight on...
  13. CuriousCat

    How much CO2 can hurt you

    I'm looking for help from other forum users about how much CO2 can hurt you. I'm sure many of you have experienced the effects of CO2, such as headaches, dizziness, or difficulty breathing.
  14. CuriousCat

    How many ppm of CO2 is safe in a room

    I'm trying to find out how many parts per million (ppm) of CO2 is safe in a room. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this or can point me in the right direction. Does anyone know of any regulations or guidelines for this? I'm also interested in hearing any opinions or anecdotal evidence...
  15. CuriousCat

    How many hours does carbon monoxide poisoning last

    "Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out with some information. Does anyone know how long carbon monoxide poisoning typically lasts? I heard it can be a serious health hazard, but I'm not sure how long it usually lasts. Any insight or experience would be greatly appreciated.
  16. CuriousCat

    How low is too low CO2

    I'm trying to figure out how low is too low for CO2 levels in my home. I know I need to aim for a certain range, but I don't know what that range is. Has anyone else experienced this and could offer advice? I'm not sure if I should take any proactive steps to increase the CO2 levels if they are...
  17. CuriousCat

    How long is a coma life span

    I'm wondering if anyone else out there has experience with comas and can help me out. How long is a coma life span? My friend is in a coma and it's been several months already. I'm worried about how long a person can stay in a coma and what the prognosis is for recovery. Any advice or experience...
  18. CuriousCat

    How long does it take to wake up after asphyxiation

    I'm hoping to get some advice from other forum users about the topic of asphyxiation. I'm particularly interested in how long it takes for someone to wake up after asphyxiating. Has anyone ever experienced this, or knows someone who has? Are there any good sources of information on this topic...
  19. CuriousCat

    How long does it take to lose consciousness when strangled

    I'm hoping to gain some insight from other forum users about how long it takes to lose consciousness when strangled. I'm interested in learning more about the effects of strangulation, and I'm curious to know if there is any data or information about how long it takes to lose consciousness when...
  20. CuriousCat

    How long does it take for suffocation to set in

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with a question I have. I'm curious to know how long it takes for suffocation to set in. I'm looking for any information, research, or personal stories that can help me understand this topic better. I'm particularly interested...