Search results

  1. CuriousCat

    Can your brain recover from low oxygen

    I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users about a topic I'm trying to research. Can your brain recover from low oxygen? I'm asking because I know that oxygen deprivation can have serious effects on the body, and I'm wondering if there are any ways to reverse the damage or if it is...
  2. CuriousCat

    Does getting choked out cause damage

    I'm looking for advice and information on the potential damage caused by getting choked out. I've heard conflicting reports about the effects of this type of attack, and I'm curious to learn more. Does anyone have experience with getting choked out, or know of any reliable sources of information...
  3. CuriousCat

    Does CO2 rise or fall in a room

    I'm trying to find out if CO2 levels rise or fall in a room. I'm not sure what factors would influence this, so I'm asking for help from fellow forum users. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience that could help me understand how different environmental factors affect CO2 levels in a room...
  4. CuriousCat

    Can hypoxia cause you to pass out

    I'm a bit worried because I think I might be experiencing hypoxia, and I'm wondering if it could be causing me to pass out. I haven't been feeling well for a few days, and I'm concerned that I might be having episodes of oxygen deprivation. Can anyone help me understand if this could be causing...
  5. CuriousCat

    Can you have hypoxia and hypercapnia at the same time

    I'm looking for some help! I'm wondering if it's possible to have hypoxia and hypercapnia at the same time. Does anyone have any experience with this? I know that hypoxia is when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood, and hypercapnia is when there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood. I'm...
  6. CuriousCat

    Does carbon dioxide simply diffuse

    I'm hoping for some help understanding something about carbon dioxide. Does carbon dioxide simply diffuse into the atmosphere, or is there a more complex process involved? I've done some research on it and can't seem to find a clear answer. Can anyone explain why it behaves the way it does or...
  7. CuriousCat

    Does carbon dioxide harm animals

    I am interested in understanding the effects of carbon dioxide on animals and would like some help. Has anyone had any experience with this? Are there any studies that have been done to assess the effects of carbon dioxide on animals? What are the potential dangers of carbon dioxide to animals...
  8. CuriousCat

    Can a lack of oxygen in the blood cause a decrease in carbon dioxide levels

    I'm hoping someone can help me out with this question. Can a lack of oxygen in the blood cause a decrease in carbon dioxide levels? I'm trying to understand the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood and how they affect each other. I'm looking for any information...
  9. CuriousCat

    Are asphyxiants a physical hazard

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm trying to understand the concept of physical hazards and I was wondering if asphyxiants are considered physical hazards. Can anyone help me out? I'm looking for some insight from other people who have experience in this area. Is...
  10. CuriousCat

    Does asphyxiation always cause death

    I'm trying to understand the effects of asphyxiation and I'm wondering if it always causes death. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge they can share with me on this topic? I've read some research online, but it's not clear whether asphyxiation always leads to death, or if there are any...
  11. CuriousCat

    Does anesthesia make you say secrets

    I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with anesthesia and whether it has caused them to say secrets. I'm considering having a medical procedure and am concerned about the effects of the anesthesia. Has anyone else had this experience? If so, what did you do about it? I'm really curious to...
  12. CuriousCat

    Does a person in a vegetative state feel pain

    I am looking for help understanding if a person in a vegetative state can feel pain. Does anyone here have experience with this or know someone who has been in a vegatative state? I understand that the definition of a vegatative state describes a person as being in a "non-responsive state," but...
  13. CuriousCat

    Does a coma feel like a long dream

    I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with being in a coma or knows someone who has been in a coma. Does a coma feel like a long dream? Is it like sleeping, or is it more like an out-of-body experience? I'm interested to hear other people's stories and perspectives on this, so if...
  14. CuriousCat

    Do you snore under anesthesia

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some help and advice. I recently had surgery and I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced snoring while under anesthesia? I'm a bit worried because I heard that snoring can be a sign of something more serious and I'm wondering if I should go to the doctor...
  15. CuriousCat

    Can an autopsy tell cause of death

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice from other forum users. I wanted to know if an autopsy can definitively tell the cause of death. I've heard conflicting information and I'm not sure who to believe. Is it possible to determine a cause of death through an autopsy or are there other...
  16. CuriousCat

    Can you survive 3 hours without oxygen

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for some help here. I recently heard that it's possible to survive up to 3 hours without oxygen but I'm not sure if that's true. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it? I would love to hear some feedback from others on this topic. Are there any potential risks...
  17. CuriousCat

    Can you recover from too much carbon dioxide

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help. I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge about recovering from too much carbon dioxide in the body. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it possible to recover from too much carbon dioxide? If so, what are the steps...
  18. CuriousCat

    Do humans excrete carbon dioxide when they breathe out

    I'm trying to understand how human breathing works and I was wondering if humans excrete carbon dioxide when they breathe out? I know that breathing in involves taking in oxygen and breathing out involves releasing carbon dioxide, but I'm not sure if the carbon dioxide is actually excreted or...
  19. CuriousCat

    Can you detect the odor of carbon monoxide

    I've been trying to learn more about carbon monoxide and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with detecting its odor. I know that some people are able to detect it but I'm unsure of how strong the odor is or if there are any other indicators that it's present. Can anyone provide some...
  20. CuriousCat

    Can humans breathe 100% pure oxygen

    Can anyone help me understand if humans can breathe 100% pure oxygen? I recently heard that it is possible, but I'm not sure if I can trust the source.