Search results

  1. CuriousCat

    What are clues of strangulation

    I'm looking for help! I recently learned that strangulation is a major form of abuse and I'm trying to understand the clues of it. I'm looking for any information or experiences that people may have had and would like to hear what other people have to say about this.
  2. CuriousCat

    What are 4 poisonous gases

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for help with understanding the four most poisonous gases. I know that there are many types of gases that can be dangerous, but I'm trying to find out which are the top four most poisonous. Is anyone familiar with this and able to provide some insight? I'd really...
  3. CuriousCat

    What air contaminants cause death by asphyxiation

    I need help understanding what air contaminants can cause death by asphyxiation. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this issue? I'm looking for any information or resources to help me understand the potential risks and effects of air contaminants causing death by asphyxiation. Are...
  4. CuriousCat

    What a person sees in coma

    Hello, everyone! I'm looking for some advice and help on the subject of what a person sees in a coma. My mother is currently in a coma after a traumatic injury and I'm wondering if there is anything she might be seeing or experiencing. Does anyone have any insight or experience in this area that...
  5. CuriousCat

    Is there any warning before sudden cardiac death

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I am looking for help and advice regarding sudden cardiac death. Is there any warning before it occurs? I know it can be sudden and unexpected, but I am trying to find out if there are any warning signs that can be monitored or looked for, or any...
  6. CuriousCat

    Is the guillotine humane

    I'm looking for some help and advice on the topic of 'Is the guillotine humane?' I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on this and the ethics around its use. What are the pros and cons of the guillotine as an execution tool? Is it a humane way to end someone's life, or is it cruel and...
  7. CuriousCat

    Is suffocation an unintentional injury

    "Hi, everyone! I'm hoping someone can help me out with a question I have. Is suffocation an unintentional injury? I'm researching the differences between intentional and unintentional injuries, and I'm not sure how to classify suffocation.
  8. CuriousCat

    Is strangulation a traumatic brain injury

    I'm looking for some help understanding if strangulation can cause a traumatic brain injury. As far as I understand, strangulation can restrict the blood flow to the brain, but can that actually cause a traumatic brain injury? I'm not a medical professional, so I'm hoping to get some insight...
  9. CuriousCat

    Is smelling methane bad for you

    I'm hoping to get some advice from anyone who has knowledge about the effects of smelling methane. I'm worried that it could be bad for my health, but I don't know how serious it could be. Does anyone have any information or experience with this? How dangerous is it to smell methane? Are there...
  10. CuriousCat

    Is positional asphyxia rare

    I'm hoping I can get some help from other forum users about positional asphyxia. I'm wondering if it's a rare condition or if it's more common and I'm just not aware of it. Has anyone ever had any experience with positional asphyxia or heard of any cases of it? I'd really appreciate any advice...
  11. CuriousCat

    Is oxygen a toxic gas

    "Hi everyone, I'm wondering if oxygen can be considered a toxic gas. I've heard people say it can be dangerous in high concentrations, but I'm not sure if that makes it toxic. Can anyone help me understand this better? What are the effects of being exposed to too much oxygen? Is it really...
  12. CuriousCat

    Is nitrogen an asphyxiant

    I'm looking for some help on the topic of whether nitrogen is an asphyxiant or not. Can anyone explain this to me and provide some evidence to support their answer? I'm interested to learn more about the properties of nitrogen and how it could possibly be an asphyxiant. I would really appreciate...
  13. CuriousCat

    Is neonatal encephalopathy the same as HIE

    I'm a new parent and I'm trying to understand the difference between neonatal encephalopathy and HIE. Can someone help me out here? I've done some research, but I'm still confused. Is one type of condition worse than the other? Are there any treatments or preventative measures I should be aware...
  14. CuriousCat

    Is methane worse than CO

    I'm looking for help understanding the difference between methane and CO and whether methane is worse than CO. I know that both are greenhouse gases, but is one worse than the other? What impact do they have on the environment? Is one more damaging to human health than the other? Are there any...
  15. CuriousCat

    Is LPG an asphyxiation

    I am looking for some help understanding if LPG is an asphyxiation. I have heard mixed reports about this and I am unsure what is correct. Can anyone shed some light on the matter for me? I understand that the correct handling and storage of LPG is important, so I want to make sure I have all...
  16. CuriousCat

    Is it traumatic to see a dead body

    I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with seeing a dead body and if it was a traumatic experience. Is it something that you can get over with time, or is it something that will stay with you? Does it differ depending on the person or the circumstances? I'm looking for any advice that...
  17. CuriousCat

    Is it possible to not breathe enough

    "Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out. Is it possible to not breathe enough? I'm asking because I've been feeling short of breath lately, and I'm wondering if I'm not getting enough oxygen. I'm a bit worried because I don't know what might be causing it. Have any of you...
  18. CuriousCat

    Is it OK to breathe in carbon monoxide

    Does anyone know if it is safe to breathe in carbon monoxide? I recently heard that it can be very dangerous and I'm worried about its effects. I want to know if it is true that carbon monoxide can cause long-term health problems. Has anyone else ever had experience with this and can tell me...
  19. CuriousCat

    Is it acceptable to kiss a pillow

    I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts on this - is it acceptable to kiss a pillow? I'm really interested in knowing if there are any cultural or social norms that should be taken into consideration when it comes to something like this. I'm also wondering if it's seen as weird or strange to...
  20. CuriousCat

    Is hypocapnia the same as hypoxia

    I'm a bit confused about the difference between hypocapnia and hypoxia and I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me out. Does anyone have any experience with this or can point me in the right direction? I'd really appreciate any advice or insight that anyone has to offer.