Search results

  1. CuriousCat

    What does carbon dioxide smell like

    Hello, I'm looking for help with a question I have about carbon dioxide - what does it smell like? I've heard it has a distinct odor, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm also curious if this smell varies depending on the concentration of the carbon dioxide, or if it's the same no matter what.
  2. CuriousCat

    What does asphyxiant gas cause

    I'm looking for help understanding what asphyxiant gas causes. I recently heard about asphyxiant gases, but I'm not sure what it does or why it is so dangerous.
  3. CuriousCat

    What does a body look like after strangulation

    I'm trying to understand what a body looks like after strangulation. Can anyone help me out? I've read some articles that detail the physical signs, but I'd really like to hear from people who have seen it firsthand.
  4. CuriousCat

    What do you see when you're in a coma

    Has anyone ever experienced being in a coma? I'm curious to find out what it’s like and what you see when you’re in a coma. Does anyone know of anyone who has gone through this experience? I'm looking for some insight and personal experiences to help me understand what it's like. I would greatly...
  5. CuriousCat

    What do people in coma see or feel

    "I'm looking for information about what people in a coma see or feel.
  6. CuriousCat

    What did Travis Scott's dad do

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to find out more about what Travis Scott's dad did for a living. I know he was a great influence on Travis and that he had a job, but I don't know what the job was. Does anyone here have any information or resources to share so I can learn more about what Travis Scott's...
  7. CuriousCat

    What controls breathing

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some help understanding what controls breathing. I'm interested in learning more about this topic, and I think it would be great to hear different perspectives from other forum users. Can anyone explain what specifically controls breathing and how does it...
  8. CuriousCat

    What chemicals are asphyxiants

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out with a question I have. I'm trying to learn more about asphyxiants and what chemicals are considered asphyxiants. Can anyone tell me what kind of chemicals are used in asphyxiation and how they work? Are there any specific safety precautions I...
  9. CuriousCat

    What causes postural asphyxia

    Hello, everyone! I'm new here and I'm looking for help with understanding what causes postural asphyxia. I'm not sure how this condition occurs and I've been wondering if anyone here can help me learn more about it. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with postural asphyxia? I'd be...
  10. CuriousCat

    What causes increased CO2 in brain

    Hello, I'm looking for some help and advice on the topic of what causes increased CO2 in the brain. I know that increased CO2 levels can lead to sleep disturbances, headaches, and fatigue, but I'm not sure what the exact causes are or how to address them. Can anyone provide any insight or...
  11. CuriousCat

    What causes hypoxia in the fetus

    I'm a new parent and I'm trying to learn more about what causes hypoxia in the fetus. I've heard it can be caused by a number of factors, such as a decrease in maternal blood flow or an issue with the umbilical cord, but I'm not sure. Can anyone provide more information about the causes of...
  12. CuriousCat

    What causes death in strangulation patients

    I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users on this topic - What causes death in strangulation patients? I'm trying to understand why strangulation can be fatal and what the main causes of death are in this type of situation. I'd be really grateful if anyone could help shed some light on...
  13. CuriousCat

    What causes asphyxiants

    "Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me understand what causes asphyxiants. I'm curious to learn about the different sources and conditions that can lead to asphyxiation.
  14. CuriousCat

    What can survive without oxygen the longest

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help with a question I have about what can survive without oxygen the longest. I'm interested in learning about any organisms or living things that can live in an oxygen-free environment for an extended period of time. Are there any animals that can do this...
  15. CuriousCat

    What can cause a baby not to cry after birth

    "Hi everyone, I am hoping to get some advice from other forum users. I am concerned about my newborn baby who was born yesterday but didn't cry after birth. I am wondering what could have caused this and whether I should be worried. Can anyone help me understand what could have caused my baby...
  16. CuriousCat

    What being in a coma feels like

    I've been researching what it's like to be in a coma and I'm really curious to hear from people who have experienced it or know someone who has. What did it feel like? Was it like being asleep, or was it different? How long did it last? What kind of physical and mental changes did you...
  17. CuriousCat

    What are three stages of HIE

    Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm hoping someone can help me with a question about Health Information Exchange (HIE). I've heard that there are three stages of HIE, but I'm not sure what they are. Can anyone explain the stages and how they work? I'd really appreciate it if someone could...
  18. CuriousCat

    What are the types of hanging asphyxia

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some help understanding the types of hanging asphyxia. I've done some research online but I'm still having trouble figuring out what the different types are and what the differences between them are. Can someone please help me out and explain the types of hanging...
  19. CuriousCat

    What are the two phases of HIE

    I'm hoping to get some help understanding the two phases of HIE. I recently read that there are two distinct phases in HIE, but I'm having difficulty understanding the details. Could anyone provide some insight into what these two phases are? I tried researching online but haven't been able to...
  20. CuriousCat

    What are the symptoms of traumatic asphyxia

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for help understanding the symptoms of traumatic asphyxia. I've heard that it can be caused by traumatic events, but I'm not sure what the typical symptoms of this condition are. Could someone who knows more about this topic please explain what the symptoms are, and...