Search results

  1. CuriousCat

    How long does it take for a human body to start smelling after death

    I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I want to know how long it takes for a human body to start smelling after death. Is it days? Weeks? Months? I'm curious to know more about how long it takes for the smell to become noticeable. Is there any way to delay or prevent the smell from coming...
  2. CuriousCat

    How long does CO2 euthanasia take

    Hello, everyone! I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I need to know how long CO2 euthanasia takes. I'm considering euthanizing my pet, but I want to make sure I'm making the best decision possible.
  3. CuriousCat

    How long do you have to breathe in carbon monoxide

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some help understanding how long you have to breathe in carbon monoxide before it becomes dangerous. I'm curious about the signs and symptoms to look out for if I'm exposed to it, and I'm also wondering how long it takes for the effects to be felt. If anyone has...
  4. CuriousCat

    How long can you survive without breathing

    I'm a bit curious and wanted to know if anyone out there could help me out. How long can you survive without breathing? Is there any known record of someone holding their breath for an extended period of time? Are there any tips or tricks to help with holding your breath for longer? I'm really...
  5. CuriousCat

    How long can you survive breathing nitrogen

    Hello, everyone! I'm new here and I'm hoping someone can help me out with a question I'm having. I was reading about nitrogen and I'm curious about how long a human could survive breathing nitrogen. I know that nitrogen is an inert gas, so it's not toxic, but I don't know if there would be any...
  6. CuriousCat

    How long can you have no heartbeat

    I need help understanding how long someone can go without a heartbeat. I understand that a heartbeat is the body's way of keeping the blood pumping, but I don't know how long the body can survive without a heartbeat. Can anyone explain the impact that not having a heartbeat has on the body and...
  7. CuriousCat

    How long can you breathe 100% o2

    "Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm wondering how long a person can breathe 100% oxygen before any ill effects may be felt. I've heard that oxygen toxicity can occur but I'm not sure how to prevent it or even how long you can safely be exposed to pure oxygen. Any advice or...
  8. CuriousCat

    How long can one hold breath

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some advice about something I'm curious about. How long can one hold their breath? I know that everyone is different and can hold their breath for different amounts of time, but I'm wondering what the general range is for the average person. Has anyone ever...
  9. CuriousCat

    How long can humans breathe in CO2

    I'm trying to find out how long humans can breathe in CO2. I understand that it is dangerous to be exposed to high levels of CO2, but I'm curious if there is a time limit that humans can handle. Does anyone have any information on this topic or know of any research studies that can help me...
  10. CuriousCat

    How long can a person live in a vegetative state

    I'm looking for advice on how long a person can live in a vegetative state. I'm trying to understand the prognosis for a family member that has recently been diagnosed with a severe brain injury, but I haven't been able to find any clear answers. Does anyone have any experience with this...
  11. CuriousCat

    How long can a human hold air

    I'm looking for some help from other forum users. I'm trying to figure out how long a human can hold their breath underwater. Has anyone ever done any research on this topic or have any personal experience with it? I'm curious to know if there are any techniques someone can use to increase their...
  12. CuriousCat

    How long before nerve compression causes permanent damage

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help. I'm trying to understand how long nerve compression needs to last before it causes permanent damage. Does anyone have any insight into this or experience with it? I'd really appreciate any information or advice you can offer. I'm aware that nerve...
  13. CuriousCat

    How long a person can live without air

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand how long a person can live without air? I understand that it depends on several factors, such as the individual's physical condition and health, but I was hoping to get a general idea. Is there any research or studies that I can...
  14. CuriousCat

    How is exhaled CO2 measured

    I'm looking for help understanding how exhaled CO2 is measured. I'm a student and I'm doing a project on the subject and I'm having difficulty finding reliable information on how exhaled CO2 is measured. Does anyone have any knowledge or useful resources that could help me understand this topic...
  15. CuriousCat

    How hot is argon gas

    I'm trying to figure out how hot argon gas can be. I'm an amateur and I'm not sure what the temperature range is. Can anyone help me out? I'd really appreciate any information you can provide. What properties does argon gas have that might affect the temperature? Are there different kinds of...
  16. CuriousCat

    How fast is nitrogen asphyxiation

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and I'm hoping to get some help with a question I have. I'm interested in learning about how fast nitrogen asphyxiation can be. Can anyone provide any insight or resources on the topic? I'm looking to learn more about the speed of the process and how it works. Any...
  17. CuriousCat

    How does positional asphyxiation happen

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to understand how positional asphyxiation happens, and I'm hoping someone here can help me out. From what I understand, it happens when a person is in a position that restricts their breathing, but I'm not sure how exactly that works. Can someone explain how...
  18. CuriousCat

    How does it feel to be choked out

    Has anyone ever been choked out? I'm curious to know how it feels and if there are any long-term effects. I'm looking for some real-life experiences to help me understand more about this. Does anyone have any insight or advice on the topic? I'd really appreciate any help or advice from those who...
  19. CuriousCat

    How does CO2 poisoning start

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and would like to ask for some help. I'm trying to find out how CO2 poisoning starts. Does anyone know the symptoms and signs of CO2 poisoning? How does it occur and what can be done to prevent it? Any advice from experienced forum users would be greatly...
  20. CuriousCat

    How does an autopsy reveal strangulation

    I'm hoping to find some help from the forum members. I'm trying to understand how an autopsy reveals strangulation. I know that it is a medical examination of a deceased person, but I'm not sure what evidence the autopsy looks for to determine strangulation. What are the telltale signs that an...