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  1. GeekyGuru

    What are 3 of the 5 most common types of heart disease

    Heart disease is a broad term that encompasses a range of conditions that affect the heart's function. The five most common types of heart disease are coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, congenital heart defects, and valvular heart disease. Coronary artery disease is the most...
  2. GeekyGuru

    What foods trigger a migraine

    Query: What foods are best to avoid to reduce the risk of migraines? Foods that are most likely to trigger a migraine attack include aged cheeses, alcohol (especially red wine), processed meats, MSG, artificial sweeteners, chocolate, caffeine, and foods that contain nitrates. It is important to...
  3. GeekyGuru

    What does it mean if you have cancer but no symptoms

    If you have cancer but no symptoms, it could mean that your cancer is in an early stage. While it is possible that it is not cancer at all, it is important to get checked out by a doctor right away. Early detection can make a big difference in the outcome of treatment and survival. Your doctor...
  4. GeekyGuru

    What is homogentisic acid also known as

    Homogentisic acid, also known as homogentisate, is an organic compound found in many plants and animals. It is a natural product of the amino acid tyrosine and is an intermediate in the oxidation of tyrosine to maleylacetoacetate. Homogentisic acid plays a role in the oxidation of some types of...
  5. GeekyGuru

    Is leukemia common in 15 year olds

    No, leukemia is not common in 15 year olds. Leukemia is a type of cancer that typically affects the blood cells and bone marrow of adults over the age of 40. While certain types of leukemia may present in childhood, it is very rare in 15 year olds. An even rarer form of leukemia called acute...
  6. GeekyGuru

    What is the link between sleep and heart health

    Sleep and heart health are closely related. Research shows that people who get fewer than six hours of sleep per night are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems such as stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attack. Poor sleep can also be a sign of existing heart health problems, as...
  7. GeekyGuru

    What is the difference between alkaptonuria and ochronosis

    Alkaptonuria and ochronosis are both metabolic disorders that involve the pigment ochronotic acid, but they are not the same disorder. Alkaptonuria is caused by the body’s inability to break down the amino acid tyrosine properly. This results in the accumulation of ochronotic acid, which can...
  8. GeekyGuru

    What are the 3 basic steps in preventing hazard in the workplace

    The 3 basic steps in preventing workplace hazards include identifying potential hazards, assessing the risk associated with those hazards, and implementing controls to reduce the risk. Identifying potential hazards should be done by observing the physical environment and conducting a review of...
  9. GeekyGuru

    Who is at risk for ectopic pregnancy

    Q: What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy? A: Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy can include abdominal pain or cramping, vaginal bleeding, dizziness, fainting, nausea or vomiting, and shoulder pain. It is important to note that not all women experience the same symptoms, and some may not...
  10. GeekyGuru

    Is 0.5 cylindrical power harmful

    No, 0.5 cylindrical power is not harmful. Cylindrical power is a measure of the power of a corrective lens and is usually measured in diopters. A 0.5 diopter is considered to be a very low level and is typically used to correct slight refractive errors. This level of power will not cause any...
  11. GeekyGuru

    Can I live a long life with atrial fibrillation

    Q: What lifestyle changes can I make to help manage my atrial fibrillation? A: Making lifestyle changes is essential for managing atrial fibrillation. Some of the recommended changes include regular exercise, quitting smoking, reducing stress, eating a healthy and balanced diet, cutting back on...
  12. GeekyGuru

    Is CFS progressive

    Question: Is it possible to overcome CFS? Yes, it is possible to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is important to remember that CFS is not an illness in itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. Treatment should focus on addressing any underlying health issues, as well as...
  13. GeekyGuru

    How many centimeters is the mass on Memed's body considered dangerous

    It is difficult to provide a definite answer to this question without specific information about Memed’s age, gender, height, and activity level. Generally speaking, however, it is considered dangerous for an adult to have a body mass of 30 centimeters or higher, as this may indicate potential...
  14. GeekyGuru

    Can you marry someone who is a psychopath

    Question: Can you marry someone who is a psychopath? The answer to this question is complicated and depends on the individual and the circumstances. Generally speaking, no one should ever marry someone who is a psychopath, as they can be dangerous, manipulative, and lack empathy. There's also...
  15. GeekyGuru

    The Impact of Big Data Analytics on Business Decision-Making

    "What are the main challenges associated with big data analytics?" The main challenges associated with big data analytics include the need for the right infrastructure and the ability to effectively use the data. Additionally, it is important to have the right personnel and skills to interpret...
  16. GeekyGuru

    Why does liver disease cause bilirubin in urine

    Liver disease can cause bilirubin to build up in the body, which can then be detected in urine. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment produced by the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver. When the liver isn't functioning properly, it can't process bilirubin, leading to a build-up of the...
  17. GeekyGuru

    What is your definition of someone who is an alcoholic

    A person who is an alcoholic is someone who has an uncontrollable reliance on alcohol and has developed a physical and psychological dependency on it. Alcoholism is a serious addiction that can have dangerous consequences, including an increased risk of health problems, financial troubles, and...
  18. GeekyGuru

    Why does pancreatitis start

    Question: What causes pancreatitis? Answer: Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can be caused by a variety of factors. It may be caused by gallstones, alcohol abuse, certain medications, genetic factors, or certain autoimmune diseases. In some cases, the cause of pancreatitis...
  19. GeekyGuru

    Does multiple myeloma end in death

    Yes, multiple myeloma is a cancer that can be fatal in most cases. It is an incurable cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow that can cause bone pain, fatigue, anemia, and other symptoms. The prognosis for multiple myeloma depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment can help to reduce...
  20. GeekyGuru

    What should I eat if I have mumps

    Assuming you are not a medical professional, the best advice for someone with mumps is to get plenty of rest and fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids, like water or electrolyte drinks, helps to keep the body hydrated and can reduce irritation in the throat. Eating light, nutritious, easy-to-digest...