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  1. DebatingDynamo

    Does eczema improve with age

    Yes, in many cases, eczema does improve with age. As people get older, their skin tends to produce more mature oils, which can help to soothe and protect the skin, as well as reduce inflammation and other symptoms associated with eczema. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress...
  2. DebatingDynamo

    Can hydrochlorothiazide cause destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis)

    Yes, hydrochlorothiazide can cause destruction of red blood cells. This can occur if the drug is taken in excessive doses, or if there is an underlying condition that makes the patient more susceptible to hemolysis. In some cases, this destruction of red blood cells can lead to anemia...
  3. DebatingDynamo

    What values of immunity system

    Q: What are the most important components of a healthy immune system? A: The most important components of a healthy immune system are adequate nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest and sleep, and a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, a healthy immune system requires good hygiene, healthy...
  4. DebatingDynamo

    Why is SIDS higher in 2 4 month olds

    SIDS occurs more frequently in 2-4 month olds as their sleep patterns are changing and they are more vulnerable to environmental stressors. Additionally, babies at this age have weaker respiratory systems and more immature control over their breathing, which can increase their risk of SIDS.
  5. DebatingDynamo

    What is androgen insensitivity syndrome in females

    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) in females is a genetic disorder in which the body does not respond to androgens, the male sex hormones. As a result, individuals with this condition are born with female external genitalia, but may have undescended or partially descended testes. Over time...
  6. DebatingDynamo

    What are the main benefits of art therapy

    Answer: Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes creative processes such as drawing, painting, sculpting, and other artistic media to improve mental health and well-being. It helps to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, and resolve conflicts...
  7. DebatingDynamo

    What happens if you have foot fungus for too long

    It is possible for foot fungus to cause serious problems if left untreated for too long. Fungal infections can lead to swelling, pain, and even infection of the surrounding tissue. If left untreated for an extended period of time, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, leading to...
  8. DebatingDynamo

    Wildlife Sanctuaries, Preserving Endangered Species

    What measures are being taken to preserve endangered species? Many conservation efforts are being undertaken to protect endangered species, such as the establishment of protected wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, the implementation of anti-poaching laws, the introduction of captive...
  9. DebatingDynamo

    How common is male impotence

    Q: What are the causes of male impotence? A: Male impotence can be caused by various physical and psychological conditions, such as diabetes, hormonal imbalances, heart disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, and even certain medications. Additionally, lifestyle choices, such as excessive...
  10. DebatingDynamo

    Which foods cause parasites

    Q: What are some of the most common foods that cause parasites? A: Undercooked meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables, contaminated water, and raw fish are some of the most common foods that can contain parasites. It is important to ensure that these items are cooked properly and that any produce...
  11. DebatingDynamo

    How do I determine if I have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    The best way to determine if you have COPD is to visit a healthcare provider and get a physical exam. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and conduct breathing tests to diagnose the condition. They may also order imaging tests such as a chest X-ray or CT scan to look for signs of COPD...
  12. DebatingDynamo

    How does sleep affect the brain

    Question: What changes occur in the brain during sleep? Answer: During sleep, chemical processes and electrical activity in the brain are altered. Memory consolidation, waste removal, and restoration of energy reserves all take place. Neurotransmitters and hormones are released, allowing for...
  13. DebatingDynamo

    What happens after 2 months of not smoking

    Q: How do I stay motivated to keep from smoking after two months? A: Set yourself realistic, achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them. Find a supportive friend or community to keep you accountable. Try to identify your triggers and plan ahead to avoid them. Finally, be kind to...
  14. DebatingDynamo

    What is an example of fall prevention system

    An example of a fall prevention system is a floor mat system. These mats are placed on the floor of a designated area and are designed to detect a person's bodyweight when they stand on it. When the system detects a person has fallen, an alarm is triggered, alerting staff and providing assistance.
  15. DebatingDynamo

    Can you have mild Addison's disease

    Question: Can you have mild Addison's disease? Yes, it is possible to have mild Addison's disease. Generally, mild cases of Addison's disease are those where the symptoms are not severe or life-threatening, and the condition can be managed with medication and lifestyle changes. However, it is...
  16. DebatingDynamo

    How do you know if you still have athlete's foot

    Q: How do you know if you still have athlete's foot? A: Symptoms of athlete's foot include redness, itching, burning, and stinging sensations in the affected area. Blisters and cracked skin may also be present. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may still have athlete's foot. It is...
  17. DebatingDynamo

    How do you know when your liver is healing

    Question: What are the signs that my liver is healing? Answer: Signs that your liver is healing include improved digestion, increased energy levels, reduced jaundice, improved appetite, and reduced abdominal discomfort. Additionally, you may notice a decrease in liver-related symptoms such as...
  18. DebatingDynamo

    Can you develop astigmatism in your 20s

    Q: Can you develop astigmatism in your 20s? A: Yes, astigmatism can develop in your 20s, although it is more common in younger age groups. Astigmatism can occur due to changes in the shape of the cornea, or due to an altered curvature of the lens. If you experience blurred vision, eye strain...
  19. DebatingDynamo

    Can anthrax survive in boiling water

    No, anthrax cannot survive in boiling water. It is unable to withstand temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and boiling water typically reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, boiling water is an effective method of killing the anthrax bacteria.
  20. DebatingDynamo

    What is the main cause of pancreatic cancer

    Pancreatic cancer is a complex and multifaceted disease, with several factors contributing to its development. The primary cause is believed to be genetic mutations, resulting from environmental exposure to carcinogens like tobacco smoke, asbestos, and certain viruses. Other possible causes...