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  1. DebatingDynamo

    Can allergies change every 7 years

    "Do allergies come and go?" Yes, allergies can come and go. They can vary in severity over time and even be triggered by different environmental factors. Some people may find that their allergies improve or even disappear as they get older, while for others they may become more severe.
  2. DebatingDynamo

    Do people with AIS have estrogen

    Question: Does AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) cause infertility? Yes, AIS can cause infertility in individuals as the body does not respond to the hormones necessary to produce eggs or sperm. In some cases, individuals with AIS may be able to conceive with the help of fertility treatments.
  3. DebatingDynamo

    How do sleep disorders affect cardiovascular risk

    Q: How do sleep disorders affect cardiovascular risk? A: Sleep disorders can increase cardiovascular risk by causing changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and inflammation, as well as by increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes. Additionally, poor sleep can lead to an increase in stress...
  4. DebatingDynamo

    What are 10 common household chemicals

    What are 10 common household chemicals? 1. Bleach 2. Ammonia 3. Detergents 4. Disinfectants 5. Aerosol Sprays 6. Drain Cleaners 7. Furniture Polish 8. Carpet Cleaners 9. Oven Cleaners 10. Toilet Bowl Cleaners
  5. DebatingDynamo

    What is a dangerously high blood sugar level

    A dangerously high blood sugar level is typically considered to be any level that is more than 200 mg/dL. This level is considered to be too high and can cause serious health complications if not treated properly.
  6. DebatingDynamo

    What age group is most affected by ovarian cancer

    Ovarian cancer affects women of all ages, but it is most common in postmenopausal women. Women aged 55 and over are more likely to develop ovarian cancer than any other age group. Older women who have never been pregnant, have a family history of ovarian cancer, and have had a long-term use of...
  7. DebatingDynamo

    Is whooping cough wet or dry

    Question: Is whooping cough wet or dry? Answer: Whooping cough is typically a dry cough, but it can also produce wet, mucus-filled coughs. It is important to note that this wet cough is often accompanied by a high-pitched “whoop” sound.
  8. DebatingDynamo

    How often does pancreatitis return

    Q: How often does pancreatitis return? A: The frequency of pancreatitis relapses can vary, depending on the individual and the underlying cause. Generally, relapses may occur anywhere from a few months to several years after the initial diagnosis. It is important to pay close attention to your...
  9. DebatingDynamo

    Can COVID cause addisons disease

    Query: Can COVID cause Addisons disease? No, COVID-19 does not directly cause Addison's disease. However, the two conditions are linked in that both can be triggered by an immune system disorder. It is possible that someone with Addison's disease could have an increased risk of developing a...
  10. DebatingDynamo

    Do albinos have high IQ

    The evidence is inconclusive, but there is some research that suggests that albinism could be linked to higher IQs. Specifically, a study conducted in the United Kingdom in 2014 found that albinos had higher levels of cognitive abilities than the general population. However, the study was...
  11. DebatingDynamo

    Do genes play a role in all diseases

    Yes, genes play a role in many diseases. Genes are responsible for providing instructions for the body to produce proteins and enzymes that are involved in many bodily functions. Any mutations in genes can lead to abnormal protein production, which can lead to a disease. For example, sickle cell...
  12. DebatingDynamo

    How do I get on with life after cancer

    "I was recently diagnosed with cancer and I'm feeling scared and overwhelmed. What should I do?" It's natural to feel scared and overwhelmed after a cancer diagnosis. Take some time to process your emotions, and reach out to a trusted friend or family member for support. Additionally, it may be...
  13. DebatingDynamo

    Can thrombosis go away by itself

    Thrombosis can go away on its own, but it is likely that medical treatment will be necessary in order to reduce the risk of recurrence and other complications. Treatment may involve the use of anticoagulants to prevent further clotting, and physical therapy to help improve circulation...
  14. DebatingDynamo

    Can autistic child go normal

    Yes, with proper treatment and intervention, it is possible for autistic children to make progress and reach their full potential. Early intervention is key, as it allows children to learn, develop, and grow in an environment tailored to meet their unique needs. With the help of evidence-based...
  15. DebatingDynamo

    What are the warning signs of gastritis

    Gastritis can present with the following warning signs: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, bloating, and loss of appetite. Additionally, some people may also experience pain in the upper abdomen, dark stools, hiccups, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. It is important to...
  16. DebatingDynamo

    Is slapped cheek contagious

    "How long does it take for the virus to be contagious after a person has been infected?" Once infected, the virus can become contagious within 1-3 weeks, although the time frame can vary depending on the individual. Symptoms may appear within this timeframe and the virus can continue to be...
  17. DebatingDynamo

    What is the objective of Outlast

    Q: What are the main objectives of Outlast? A: Outlast is a survival-horror video game in which the main objective is to survive the night in an abandoned mental hospital while being pursued by gruesome enemies. The player character must use stealth and problem-solving skills to navigate and...
  18. DebatingDynamo

    What limitations does a person with ALD have

    A person with ALD may experience a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional limitations, including difficulty with communication, poor balance, muscle weakness, and impaired vision. Additionally, they may experience fatigue, headaches, seizures, and difficulty with learning and memory.
  19. DebatingDynamo

    Can AVMs develop later in life

    Yes, AVMs can develop later in life. This is especially true in people who have a family history of AVMs or who have certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, that increase their risk of developing an AVM. Other factors, such as trauma to the area where the AVM will develop, can...
  20. DebatingDynamo

    Can lung fungus be caused by Covid

    Yes, lung fungus can be caused by Covid. In some cases, Covid can cause fungal infections in the lungs, which can lead to shortness of breath, coughing up blood, fever, and chest pain. It is important to get tested if you experience any of these symptoms and seek medical help if you test...