Causes of Eczema Worsening
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can cause redness, itching, and swelling. While the exact cause of eczema is still unknown, there are several factors that can cause the condition to worsen. These include:
Allergens: People with eczema may be more sensitive to certain allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and pollen. These allergens can trigger an eczema flare-up and make the condition worse.
Irritants: Certain substances such as soap, detergent, and fragrances can irritate the skin and cause an eczema flare-up.
Climate: Dry, cold weather can make eczema worse, while warm, humid weather can improve it.
Stress: Stress can worsen any condition, including eczema.
Hormones: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can also affect eczema.
Treatment Options
The best way to treat eczema is to avoid potential triggers and to keep the skin moisturized. Some treatments that may help include:
Topical Corticosteroids: These medications can reduce inflammation and itching.
Antihistamines: These medications can help reduce itching.
Light Therapy: This treatment involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light, which can help reduce inflammation and itching.
Moisturizers: These products help keep the skin hydrated and prevent further dryness.
Dietary Changes: People with eczema may benefit from avoiding certain foods, such as dairy, soy, and wheat.
When to See a Doctor
If you are experiencing severe itching, redness, or swelling, it is important to seek medical attention. Your doctor can recommend medications and treatments that can help control your symptoms.