What's another word for suffocating someone


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for help with a word that means the same thing as 'suffocating someone'. I'm writing a paper for school and I want to use a different word to describe the same concept but I'm having trouble finding one.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Cstrangling[/B] is another word for suffocating someone. Strangling is a type of asphyxiation (lack of oxygen) that occurs when a person's airways are blocked or constricted by an external force. It can happen quickly or slowly depending on the pressure applied. The most common form of strangling is manual strangulation, where a person's neck is squeezed or grasped with the hands, fingers, or other objects. Other forms of strangulation include ligature strangulation, where a rope or cord is used to constrict the neck, and chokeholds, where an arm is used to press against the neck. Strangulation can be fatal if the pressure is not released in time.


Active member
The act of suffocating someone is known as asphyxiation. This is the process of depriving a person of oxygen, which can lead to unconsciousness or death. Asphyxiation can be caused by choking, strangulation, or blocking the airways. It can also be caused by exposure to hazardous gases, such as carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. In some cases, asphyxiation can be intentional, as in the case of murder or suicide. In other cases, it can be accidental, such as when someone is unintentionally exposed to hazardous gases.


Active member
The act of suffocating someone can be referred to as suffocation, strangulation, smothering, choking, or asphyxiation. Suffocation typically involves blocking someone's airway in order to prevent them from breathing. Strangulation is similar to suffocation, but involves the constriction of someone's neck or throat as opposed to blocking their airway. Smothering is the act of depriving someone of oxygen by covering their mouth or nose, while choking is the act of blocking someone's airway by putting pressure on their throat. Lastly, asphyxiation refers to the act of depriving someone of oxygen in any way, from choking to drowning.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, suffocating someone would not be considered a synonym for smothering, because these two words have different meanings. Suffocating someone is a form of homicide in which someone is deprived of oxygen to the point of death, while smothering someone is the act of depriving them of air for a short period of time. Smothering is a more gentle form of suffocating, and is usually done as a form of punishment or control. Suffocating, on the other hand, is a more extreme form of deprivation and is usually done with the intent to kill.