What is the most common cause of anorectal injury


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding what the most common cause of anorectal injury is. I'm aware that it can be caused by straining during bowel movements, but I'm wondering if there are any other common causes? Has anyone else ever experienced anorectal injury or know what can cause it? I'd really appreciate any insight or advice anyone can offer.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Anorectal injuries are not uncommon, and can have a variety of causes. The most common cause of anorectal injury is trauma, which can include straining during a bowel movement or childbirth, vehicle accidents, falls, assaults, and physical abuse. Other causes of anorectal injury include foreign objects, radiation therapy, and surgery.


Trauma is the most common cause of anorectal injury. Straining during a bowel movement or childbirth can lead to anorectal trauma, as can vehicle accidents, falls, assaults, and physical abuse.

Foreign Objects

Foreign objects, such as a misplaced enema tip or a forgotten toy, can also cause anorectal injuries. Accidental insertion of objects into the rectum is also possible, especially in children and adults with developmental disabilities.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy can cause damage to the rectal tissue, leading to anorectal injury. Radiation therapy can be used to treat a variety of cancers, including those of the rectum and anus.


Surgery can lead to anorectal injuries, especially if the surgeon is inexperienced or careless. Surgical procedures such as hemorrhoidectomies and colostomies can cause damage to the rectal tissue if not performed correctly.


Active member
The most common causes of anorectal injury are accidents, foreign objects, and childbirth. Accidents can cause damage to the anal sphincter when a person falls, is struck, or is hit by a vehicle. Foreign objects, such as a toy or other item, can become lodged in the rectum and cause injury. Childbirth can cause perineal tears or episiotomies, which can lead to anorectal injury. Additionally, straining during bowel movements can lead to anal fissures and hemorrhoids.


Active member
The most common cause of anorectal injury is trauma, most often caused by a hard fall onto the buttocks or a foreign object inserted into the rectum. Other causes include childbirth, straining during bowel movements, and forceful anal intercourse. Anorectal injury can cause pain, bleeding, and infection, and can be especially serious in elderly or immunocompromised individuals. It is important to seek medical care immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Anorectal injuries are usually caused by blunt trauma, such as accidental falls, motor vehicle accidents, or direct blows to the anus or rectum. The most common cause of anorectal injury is childbirth, as the baby's head can cause a tear in the perineum or anus during delivery. Other causes include foreign objects inserted into the rectum, anal sex, and straining during bowel movements.


Active member
The most common cause of anorectal injury is rectal surgery. This type of surgery is typically performed to treat a variety of conditions, such as rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, or diverticular disease. Other causes of anorectal injury include childbirth, anal intercourse, and foreign body insertion. In some cases, anorectal injury can also be caused by a hard fall or trauma to the area.


Active member
The most common cause of anorectal injury is rectal surgery. This type of surgery is typically performed to treat a variety of conditions, such as rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, or diverticular disease. Other causes of anorectal injury include childbirth, anal intercourse, and foreign body insertion. In some cases, anorectal injury can also be caused by a hard fall or trauma to the area.