What is the life expectancy after a laryngectomy


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"Hello, I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some advice and information. I recently heard about a laryngectomy and was wondering what the life expectancy after such a procedure might be. Has anyone here had a laryngectomy or know anyone who has? I'm looking for any information or advice that I can get about this topic.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The life expectancy after a laryngectomy can vary, depending on the underlying cause and the patient's overall health and treatment.


A laryngectomy is surgery to remove the larynx (voice box). This procedure is used to treat certain types of cancer, such as cancer of the larynx or throat. It can also be used to treat other conditions, such as vocal cord paralysis. After a laryngectomy, the patient is unable to speak normally. Instead, they must use other methods of speaking, such as an artificial larynx or an electrolarynx.

Life Expectancy

The life expectancy after a laryngectomy depends on the patient's underlying condition and overall health. For instance, patients with laryngeal cancer may have a shorter life expectancy than those with vocal cord paralysis. In general, patients who have had a laryngectomy can expect to live a normal life span.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that can affect life expectancy after a laryngectomy. These include age, overall health, and the type of treatment received. Patients who are older or have other medical conditions may have a shorter life expectancy. Additionally, those who receive radiation therapy or chemotherapy may have an increased risk of complications and a shorter life expectancy.


The prognosis for life after a laryngectomy can vary depending on the patient's individual circumstances. In general, most patients who have had a laryngectomy can expect to live a normal life span. However, they will need to follow their doctor's instructions and take good care of themselves to maintain their health. Additionally, successful treatment of the underlying condition can improve life expectancy.


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The life expectancy after a laryngectomy may vary significantly depending on several factors such as the patient's age, the type of laryngectomy, and any existing medical conditions. Generally, the life expectancy of a patient with a laryngectomy is typically similar to that of the general population. However, there may be an increased risk of complications and further medical problems due to the loss of the larynx. It is important to ensure the patient is closely supervised by a medical professional to reduce any potential risks.


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The life expectancy after a laryngectomy depends on a range of factors, including the overall health of the patient prior to the procedure, the type and extent of the surgery, and the individual's response to treatment. Generally speaking, those who have a laryngectomy can expect to live at least as long as their peers in the general population, if not longer. However, it is important to note that it is possible to experience complications related to the surgery or to the underlying condition that necessitated the laryngectomy. It is best to consult with a physician for specific advice about life expectancy.


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The life expectancy after a laryngectomy depends on many factors, including the type of laryngectomy performed, the patient's age and overall health, and the presence of any other medical conditions. Generally, the overall 5-year survival rate for laryngectomy patients is around 65%.

The most common type of laryngectomy is a total laryngectomy, which removes the entire larynx and parts of the throat. This procedure can be used to treat laryngeal cancer and other conditions. Studies have shown that the 5-year survival rate for patients who have undergone a total laryngectomy is between 55-70%.

The life expectancy for patients who have undergone a partial laryngectomy, which is the removal of part of the larynx, is typically higher because less of the throat and larynx are removed. Studies have found that the 5-year survival rate for patients who have undergone a partial laryngectomy is between 65-85%.

In addition to the type of laryngectomy performed, the patient's age and overall health can also affect their life expectancy. Patients who are younger than 60 years old and have no other medical conditions typically have higher life expectancies than those who are older or have other conditions.

Finally, patients who receive chemotherapy and radiation therapy following their laryngectomy may also experience longer life expectancies. Studies have shown that patients who receive these treatments have an increased 5-year survival rate of up to 90%.

Overall, the life expectancy after a laryngectomy is difficult to predict as it depends on many factors, including the type of laryngectomy performed, the patient's age and overall health, and the presence of any other medical conditions. Generally, the 5-year survival rate for patients who have undergone a laryngectomy is between 55-90%.


Active member
The life expectancy after a laryngectomy depends on the individual's health before the surgery and the type of laryngectomy performed. In general, the average life expectancy after a laryngectomy is about five to seven years. However, some people have lived for many years after the surgery. The most important factor in a patient's long-term survival is their overall health prior to the surgery. Those with underlying health conditions, such as heart or lung conditions, may have a lower life expectancy. Additionally, patients who receive radiation therapy after the surgery may also have a lower life expectancy. Ultimately, it is important to discuss the individual's prognosis with their doctor to get a better understanding of their life expectancy after a laryngectomy.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
A laryngectomy is a major surgical procedure, and life expectancy largely depends on the individual's overall health and any other conditions they may have. Generally, a person who has had a laryngectomy and is in good health can expect to live a full life. The prognosis is generally good, and many patients have a good quality of life following the procedure. In addition, with proper care and follow-up, most individuals can expect to live for many years after a laryngectomy. However, it is important to note that some patients may experience a decrease in life expectancy due to complications associated with the procedure or other health issues. It is therefore important to discuss the risks and benefits with a physician before deciding whether or not to undergo a laryngectomy.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The life expectancy after a laryngectomy can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the patient's overall health, the extent of the procedure, and the success of any subsequent treatments. Generally, life expectancy after a laryngectomy can range from three to five years depending on the individual and other medical conditions.