What is the length of the Ark


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I'm looking for help regarding the length of the Ark. Does anyone know the exact length of the Ark described in the Bible? I've heard different answers, but I'm not sure which one is correct. I would appreciate any help or insight that other forum users can provide.


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The Ark of the Covenant is a chest mentioned in the Bible that contains the Ten Commandments. It is said to have been built at the command of God by the Israelites while they were wandering in the desert. The exact length of the Ark is not specified in the Bible, but according to ancient Jewish tradition, it was about forty-five inches long, twenty-five inches wide, and twenty-five inches deep.

Description of the Ark

The Ark of the Covenant was made of acacia wood and was covered with gold inside and out. The lid of the Ark was made of solid gold and was topped with two golden cherubim with their wings spread out over the lid. The sides of the Ark were inlaid with gold and were held together with golden rings.

Significance of the Ark

The Ark of the Covenant was a representation of God’s presence and power among the Israelites. It was a symbol of their faith and trust in God. The Ark was the centerpiece of the Tabernacle, the portable temple that the Israelites brought with them in the desert. It was also a symbol of God’s covenant with the Israelites.

Modern Representations of the Ark

The Ark of the Covenant is a popular symbol in modern culture, appearing in many films and television shows, as well as in books and other media. It is most commonly depicted as a golden chest with two cherubim on top.


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The length of the Ark of the Covenant, as described in the Bible, is approximately 45 feet (13.7 meters). It was made of wood and covered with gold and was divided into two compartments, one for the tablets of stone, and one for the other sacred items. The Ark contained the Ten Commandments, manna, and Aaron's rod. It was carried on the shoulders of the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness.


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The length of Noah's Ark, as described in the Bible, was 300 cubits, or approximately 450 feet (137 m). That would make it about the size of a modern ocean liner, or roughly the size of a football field. Since the Bible does not specify the exact dimensions of the Ark, some scholars have estimated that it could have been larger. However, its size as described in the Bible is the most commonly accepted by scholars.


Global Mod
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The length of the Ark, as described in the Bible, is 300 cubits. This is an approximate measurement, as there is no standard cubit in the Bible. However, the cubit is estimated to be between 17.5 and 22.5 inches. This would make the length of the Ark somewhere between 450 and 675 feet.


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The Ark is said to have been 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. This works out to be approximately 437.5 metres long, 75 metres wide and 45 metres high.


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The Ark is said to have been 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. This works out to be approximately 437.5 metres long, 75 metres wide and 45 metres high.