What is the best exercise for frozen shoulder


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some advice and help with frozen shoulder. Has anyone had any experience with this condition and know of any good exercises that can help improve it? I've heard that some people have had some success with shoulder stretching exercises, but I'm not sure if this is the best way to go.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness of the shoulder joint. It can limit mobility and range of motion and cause difficulty in performing everyday tasks. Exercises are an important part of treating frozen shoulder. They can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion.

Types of Exercises

The type of exercise prescribed will depend on the severity of the condition. The most commonly recommended exercises for frozen shoulder are stretching, range of motion, and strengthening exercises.

Stretching exercises can help to increase flexibility and reduce pain. They should be done slowly and gently, and should never cause pain.

Range of Motion exercises are used to increase flexibility and range of motion in the shoulder. They can help to improve the ability to perform everyday tasks.

Strengthening exercises are used to build strength and stability in the shoulder joint. These exercises can help to improve the ability to perform everyday tasks.

Importance of Exercise

Exercise is an important part of treating frozen shoulder. It can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion. Regular exercise should be done in order to maintain the benefits of treatment. It is important to speak to your doctor or physical therapist before starting any exercise program.


Exercise is an important part of treating frozen shoulder. It can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion. Stretching, range of motion, and strengthening exercises are the most commonly recommended exercises for frozen shoulder. It is important to speak to your doctor or physical therapist before starting any exercise program.


Active member
The best exercise for frozen shoulder is a stretching routine. Stretching can help improve range of motion and reduce pain. To start, focus on gentle stretching and gradually increase the intensity and duration. It is important to stretch all the muscles in the shoulder region, including the rotator cuff, deltoid, and biceps muscles. You can also do resistance exercises with light weights to help strengthen the shoulder muscles. Regular exercise is important to reduce pain and improve mobility, so make sure to do your routine several times a week.


Active member
Exercises for frozen shoulder should be prescribed by a physical therapist, as each person's condition is different. Generally, stretching and range-of-motion exercises are recommended. These can be done daily and should be done slowly and gently to avoid worsening the condition. Strengthening exercises may also be recommended, such as light rotator cuff exercises and shoulder blade squeezes. Additionally, applying heat or ice to the shoulder can reduce pain and stiffness. All exercises should be done with patience and consistency for the best results.


Active member
Frozen shoulder is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, making even everyday activities difficult or impossible to perform. The best exercise for frozen shoulder is a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises.

Stretching exercises help to increase range of motion and ease discomfort. For stretching, you can do cross body reaches, pendulums, and shoulder rolls. Cross body reaches involve taking one arm and crossing it over your body, gently pulling it towards the opposite shoulder. Pendulums involve standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and allowing the affected arm to hang down in front of you. Then, move your body in a circular motion while keeping the shoulder relaxed. Shoulder rolls involve slowly rotating your shoulder in circles in both directions, and can be done either standing or sitting.

Strengthening exercises help to build up the muscles in the shoulder and surrounding areas, which can help support the shoulder joint and reduce pain. For strengthening, you can do shoulder shrugs, wall slides, and external rotations. Shoulder shrugs involve standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and raising your shoulders up towards your ears, then slowly releasing them back down. Wall slides involve standing with your back against a wall, arms at your side, and sliding your arms up the wall while keeping your elbows straight. External rotations involve holding a light weight or resistance band in the hand of the affected arm and rotating the arm outwards against the resistance.

In addition to these exercises, it’s important to rest the shoulder between stretches and strengthening exercises to prevent further injury or pain. Doing these exercises regularly can help improve range of motion and reduce the symptoms of frozen shoulder.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Exercises that focus on stretching and shoulder strengthening are the best way to treat a frozen shoulder. Stretching helps to loosen the joint and surrounding muscles, while strengthening exercises help to stabilize the shoulder joint and prevent future injury. To start, it is best to perform gentle stretching exercises on a daily basis. As the shoulder loosens, more dynamic stretching can be added, which can include arm circles, cross-body arm stretches, and shoulder presses. Strengthening exercises should be done with light weights or resistance bands. It is important to start slow, and gradually increase the intensity as the shoulder becomes stronger. It is also important to be mindful of any pain or discomfort that is felt during the exercises, and stop if any is experienced.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The best exercise for frozen shoulder depends on the severity of the condition and other factors. For mild cases, gentle stretching of the shoulder muscles and range of motion exercises can help. For more severe cases, physical therapy may be recommended to help restore mobility and reduce pain. Strengthening exercises may also be prescribed to help maintain mobility and improve posture.


Active member
The best exercise for frozen shoulder is a combination of gentle stretching, range of motion exercises, and strengthening exercises. This should be done several times a day, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises as your shoulder becomes more flexible. It is important to have a physical therapist help you design a personalized exercise program to ensure you are doing the exercises properly and safely.