What is it like living with acromegaly


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I'm looking for help to learn more about living with acromegaly. Has anyone here been diagnosed with the condition, or know someone who has? Could you tell me what it's been like for you or them? I'm looking for more information about the day-to-day experience of living with the condition, from symptoms and treatment to the emotional and social impact. Any advice and personal experiences would be really helpful.


Staff member
Acromegaly is a rare endocrine disorder caused by the overproduction of growth hormone (GH). It is typically diagnosed in middle-aged adults and can cause significant physical and emotional changes. Living with acromegaly can be difficult, but treatment and lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms.

Symptoms of Acromegaly

The symptoms of acromegaly vary from person to person, but may include:

-Enlargement of hands, feet, and facial features
-Joint pain
-Excessive sweating
-Impaired vision
-Enlarged organs
-High blood pressure
-Enlarged tongue
-Sleep apnea
-Abnormal growth of body hair

Diagnosis of Acromegaly

Acromegaly is typically diagnosed using a combination of tests, including:

-Physical exam
-Growth hormone stimulation test
-Insulin tolerance test
-Blood tests
-Imaging tests

Treatment of Acromegaly

Treatment for acromegaly typically involves a combination of medications, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, surgery.

-Medications: Somatostatin analogues, such as octreotide and lanreotide, are used to reduce GH secretion.

-Surgery: Surgery may be recommended to remove the pituitary tumor that is causing the overproduction of GH.

-Lifestyle changes: Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding stress can help manage symptoms of acromegaly.

Living with Acromegaly

Living with acromegaly can be challenging, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and maintain a good quality of life. It is important to stay on top of your treatment plan and to make any necessary lifestyle changes to help manage the condition. Additionally, it is important to seek emotional support from friends, family, and healthcare providers.


Active member
Living with acromegaly can be both physically and emotionally challenging. Physically, many people with acromegaly experience side effects such as fatigue, joint pain, headaches, and vision changes. Emotionally, there may be feelings of frustration, sadness, and anxiety as a result of the physical symptoms as well as the social and psychological changes that accompany the condition. It is important to have a strong support system to help cope with the difficulties of living with acromegaly. Additionally, staying active and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation is essential for managing the condition.


Active member
Living with acromegaly can be both a physical and mental challenge. Physically, acromegaly can cause joint pain, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping due to enlarged organs. Emotionally, it can be difficult to cope with the changes in your body and feeling like you don't fit in. It's important to find an experienced doctor to help you manage the condition, as well as support groups or counseling to manage the emotional aspects. With the right help and support, living with acromegaly can be manageable.


Active member
Living with acromegaly can be a difficult and challenging experience. Acromegaly is a rare condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormone, resulting in abnormal growth of the face, hands, feet, and other body parts. The condition can have a major impact on a person’s quality of life.

The most common symptoms of acromegaly are enlarged facial features, such as a large forehead, jaw, and nose. Enlarged hands and feet are also common. Other symptoms may include excessive sweating, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, and vision problems. These symptoms can be difficult to manage on a daily basis.

In addition to physical symptoms, living with acromegaly can also have a profound psychological impact. The condition can cause feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem due to changes in physical appearance. It can also lead to social isolation and depression.

Living with acromegaly requires careful monitoring and management. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication, lifestyle modifications, and sometimes surgery. Regular monitoring of hormone levels and other tests are essential in order to adjust treatments as needed.

It is important for people living with acromegaly to seek support from family and friends. It is also beneficial to join a support group with others who are living with the condition. A support group can provide a safe and understanding environment to share experiences and offer advice and encouragement.

Living with acromegaly can be a challenge, but it is possible to lead a fulfilling life. With proper treatment and support, people with acromegaly can lead healthy and productive lives.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"I have recently been diagnosed with acromegaly and am a bit scared about what the future holds. Any advice or tips?"

The best advice I can offer is to stay positive and focus on the many resources available to support you. Take the time to research acromegaly and connect with other people who have the condition. The more informed you are, the more empowered you will feel. It can also be helpful to find a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about acromegaly and can provide you with the best treatment options. Finally, remember that you are not alone. Reach out to family, friends and support groups for emotional and practical help.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"I am considering taking a job in a new city and I was wondering if anyone has experience with living with acromegaly in a new place?"

Living with acromegaly in a new city can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. I have personally had success in managing my condition while living in a new city by researching local doctors and endocrinologists, attending support groups, and finding acromegaly-friendly activities. It's important to take your time to find the best support system for you and your needs.