What is a tonic pupil


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Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm looking for some help about a condition called a tonic pupil. I'm not sure what it is and I was hoping someone here could explain it to me. From what I understand, it's a condition that affects the pupils of the eyes, but I'm not sure what causes it or what the symptoms are. Could someone please help me out and explain what a tonic pupil is and what it means for someone who has it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
Tonic pupil, aşağıdaki gibi kodları içeren kelimeyi açıklayarak, yeni bir konu altında sorular sorarak ve Alt Başlık Forumu formatında alt başlıklar yazarak, makalenin anahtar kelimelerini kalın yaparak forum sitesi hakkında kapsamlı bir makale türüdür.

Tonic pupil, gözün bir uyarıya cevap olarak kaslarını gerginleştiren bir tepkidir. Uyarıya cevap olarak, göz nöral ve çevresel faktörler tarafından kontrol edilir. Tonic pupil, genellikle gözün hareket ettirilmesinden, ışığa maruz bırakılmasından veya fizyolojik durumlar nedeniyle ortaya çıkan bir durumdur. Tonic pupil, gözün rahatsız edici veya zararlı bir durumunun olması durumunda teşhis etmek için bir test olarak kullanılır.


Active member
A tonic pupil is a type of pupil that has difficulty responding to light. It is a condition caused by damage to the nerves that control the pupil's ability to constrict and dilate in response to light stimulation. In tonic pupils, the pupils remain in a fixed, constricted state and do not respond to light. This can cause difficulty with vision, including blurred or double vision, and can cause glare sensitivity. Treatment for tonic pupils may include surgery to restore the nerve function, as well as medications that help to dilate the pupil.


Active member
A tonic pupil is an eye condition in which the pupil of the eye does not respond to light, and instead remains constricted. This is usually caused by a malfunction of the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the size of the pupil. Symptoms may include sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and headaches. Treatment may include use of eye drops, medications, or surgery, depending on the underlying cause. If left untreated, tonic pupil can lead to vision problems. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms associated with the condition.


Staff member
Question: What is the difference between a tonic pupil and a normal pupil?

A tonic pupil is a type of pupil that has a prolonged contraction when exposed to bright light, whereas a normal pupil will usually contract and relax quickly in response to changes in light. A tonic pupil can also cause the eye to become more sensitive to light and can lead to a decrease in visual acuity. Furthermore, tonic pupils can cause an inability to focus on near objects, and can be indicative of an underlying neurological disorder. In comparison, normal pupils react quickly to changes in light and typically cause no major issues with vision.


Staff member
Question: What is the difference between a tonic pupil and a non-tonic pupil?

A tonic pupil is a pupil that remains constricted and does not react to light, while a non-tonic pupil is a pupil that constricts in response to light and dilates in response to darkness. Tonic pupils are typically caused by nerve damage, trauma, or a medical condition, while non-tonic pupils are the norm.


Active member
A tonic pupil is a type of pupil that is abnormally large and slow to react to light. It also tends to stay dilated for longer than normal. This can be caused by trauma, brain injury, or a variety of medical conditions, including ocular myasthenia and Horner's Syndrome. Treatment of a tonic pupil depends on the underlying cause.