A negative symptom of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is difficulty with social interactions. Individuals with ASD often struggle to understand social cues, body language, and facial expressions, which can make it hard to maintain relationships or even engage in conversations. Additionally, people with ASD may have difficulty understanding feelings and emotions of others, leading to awkward or inappropriate social interactions. Difficulty with communication is another negative symptom of ASD, which can manifest in the form of limited verbal expression, lack of eye contact, delayed language development, and difficulty understanding abstract concepts. Repetitive behaviors, such as hand-flapping, rocking, or twirling, can also become a negative symptom if it becomes excessive and interferes with daily life. Finally, individuals with ASD may become overwhelmed or anxious in certain situations, leading to meltdowns, shutdowns, or other outbursts. All of these symptoms can make it difficult for individuals with ASD to navigate the world and build meaningful relationships.