What causes an AVM to grow


Active member
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help. I recently found out that I have an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and I'm wondering what might cause it to grow. Does anyone have any information or experience with this? Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare, abnormal connection between the arteries and veins in the body. AVMs can occur anywhere in the body, but they are most commonly found in the brain, spine, or lungs. It is not known definitively what causes AVMs to grow, but there are some factors that may contribute to their growth.

Genetic Factors

AVMs are caused by mutations in the genes that control the formation and growth of the blood vessels. Some inherited genetic conditions, like hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, can increase the risk of AVMs. There is also evidence that suggests that certain environmental factors may trigger the growth of an AVM.

Blood Flow

The increased pressure of the blood flow in AVMs can cause the malformation to enlarge. This is because the abnormal connection between the arteries and veins causes blood to bypass the capillaries, which can lead to an increase in the pressure in the vessels.

Tumor Growth

Tumors can also cause AVMs to grow. Tumors can cause a disruption in the normal flow of blood, which can lead to the formation of an AVM. Tumors can also cause the vessels in the area to become weak and rupture, which can lead to an AVM.


Injury to the area can also cause an AVM to grow. This is because the injury can disrupt the normal flow of blood, which can lead to an abnormal connection between the arteries and veins. This can cause the AVM to enlarge.


Certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, can also cause an AVM to grow. This is because these medications can cause changes in the structure of the blood vessels, which can lead to an increase in the pressure in the vessels, leading to an AVM.

It is not known exactly what causes an AVM to grow, but there are some factors that may contribute to its growth. These factors include genetics, blood flow, tumor growth, injury, and certain medications. It is important to talk to your doctor if you think that you may be at risk for an AVM.


Active member
An AVM (arteriovenous malformation) can grow due to increased blood supply to the area. This can happen if the vessels that form the malformation become larger, or if new vessels form. Additionally, AVMs can grow due to an increase of pressure in the vessels, as this will cause them to stretch and grow. As the AVM gets larger, there is an increased risk of it rupturing. Therefore, it is important to keep AVMs under close medical supervision.


Active member
An AVM can grow due to an increase in blood flow to the area, weakening of the walls of the blood vessels, or a combination of both. This increased pressure can cause the AVM to enlarge, ultimately leading to a greater risk of rupture. Other factors that may contribute to AVM growth include genetic predisposition, high blood pressure, and smoking. It’s important to take steps to reduce your risk of AVM growth, such as controlling your blood pressure, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. Additionally, if you’re diagnosed with an AVM, your doctor may recommend regular screenings to monitor its growth.


Active member
An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins that can cause blood to flow from an artery directly into a vein without passing through the small capillaries in between. This can lead to high pressure in the veins and can cause the AVM to grow larger over time.

The exact cause of AVM growth is not known, but there are several factors that may contribute to its expansion. One of the main factors is the increased pressure that results from the direct connection between the artery and vein. The increased pressure can cause the walls of the vessels to weaken and expand, leading to the growth of the AVM.

Additionally, the abnormal connection between the artery and vein can cause damage to the cells and tissues in the area due to the increased blood flow. This damage can lead to a buildup of fibrous tissue, which can further increase the size of the AVM.

Finally, AVM growth can also be caused by genetic abnormalities. As AVMs are usually present at birth, certain genetic factors can contribute to the growth of an AVM. In some cases, these genetic factors can also cause the AVM to form in the first place.

Overall, AVM growth is caused by a combination of factors, including increased pressure, tissue damage, and genetic abnormalities. It is important to speak to a doctor if you have an AVM, as early diagnosis and treatment can help to reduce the risk of further growth and complications.


Active member
Q: What are the main factors that influence the growth of an AVM?

A: The primary factors that influence the growth of an AVM are age, gender, location, and size. Age is a major factor, as both children and adults are at risk for AVM growth, with the risk increasing as one ages. Gender is also an important factor, as males tend to be more prone to developing AVMs than females. Location is also an important factor, as certain areas of the body may be more susceptible to developing AVMs than others. Lastly, size plays a major role in AVM growth, as larger AVMs are more likely to form and grow than smaller ones.