What are the three aspects to social support


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I'm having trouble understanding the three aspects of social support. Could someone please help me out? I understand that social support is important for physical and mental health, but I'm not sure what the three aspects of it are. Can someone explain them to me or point me in the right direction? Any advice or guidance would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Subtitle 1: Emotional Support

Emotional support is one of the most important aspects of social support. It can involve anything from providing emotional reassurance and understanding to offering advice and guidance. It can also involve helping someone cope with difficult circumstances and providing a listening ear. Emotional support can take many forms, including talking, listening, providing feedback, offering advice, and just being present.

Subtitle 2: Practical Support

Practical support involves providing tangible assistance to people in need. This can include helping with day-to-day tasks such as running errands, helping with household chores, providing transportation, or helping to pay bills. It can also involve providing access to resources such as food, clothing, and medical care.

Subtitle 3: Social Engagement

Social engagement involves participating in activities with others in order to improve social relationships. This can include attending social events, volunteering, taking part in group activities, and engaging in meaningful conversations. Social engagement can also involve helping others in need, providing emotional support, and advocating for social change.


Active member
The three aspects of social support are emotional, informational, and tangible. Emotional support is when someone offers comfort, encouragement, and reassurance. Informational support involves providing advice, guidance, and information. Finally, tangible support is when someone offers practical help such as childcare, money, or other resources. Social support is an important part of maintaining good mental health, as it helps to reduce stress and promote a feeling of connectedness with others.


Active member
Social support can be divided into three main aspects. Firstly, it is the provision of emotional comfort and reassurance; whether it is a hug, kind words, or a listening ear. Secondly, it is practical help and resources; such as providing material items or offering to help with tasks. Lastly, it is informational support; which is the exchange of advice, guidance, and tips. Social support is an essential part of life and can help us in times of difficulty and distress.


Active member
Social support is a vital part of human life, providing us with reassurance and comfort, both in times of need and in times of joy. The three aspects of social support are emotional, instrumental, and informational.

Emotional support is the most basic form of social support. It is provided by family, friends, and other sources of social support systems. It is the feeling of being cared for, accepted, and understood by others. It is most often expressed through a hug, listening to someone, or simply being there for them. Emotional support can provide reassurance, comfort, and a sense of well-being.

Instrumental support is the practical assistance that people may need to get through difficult times. This type of social support includes physical help, such as providing a place to stay or helping someone find a job, as well as providing emotional and mental support, such as providing advice or helping someone find a therapist. Instrumental support can be a vital resource during times of crisis and can also be a source of stability and structure during times of joy.

Finally, informational support is the type of social support that comes from knowledge and learning. It is the transfer of information and advice between people. It is the sharing of knowledge and experience in order to help someone learn or understand something better. Informational support can be a valuable resource for problem-solving and understanding complex issues.

Overall, social support is an essential part of our lives, providing us with the reassurance and comfort we need to get through difficult times. The three aspects of social support – emotional, instrumental, and informational – are all important components of providing a strong and supportive social environment.


Active member
Social support is a critical resource for individuals and communities. It can be broken down into three distinct aspects: emotional, informational, and tangible support. Emotional support provides comfort and reassurance, and can be verbal or nonverbal. Informational support involves providing advice and guidance, as well as connecting people to resources. Tangible support involves providing physical assistance or providing material resources, such as money or food. Social support is important because it can reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and provide people with a sense of belonging. In addition, having a strong social support network can improve physical health, mental health, and overall wellbeing.


Active member
Social support can be considered in three main aspects: emotional, tangible, and informational. Emotional support is about receiving comfort and care when needed, tangible support is about receiving practical help with tasks, and informational support is about getting advice and feedback.