What are the three 3 basic coping strategies


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"Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding the three basic coping strategies. I'm not sure what they are, and I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information out there. Does anyone have any insight and/or advice on how to best identify and use these strategies? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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1. Problem-Focused Coping
Problem-focused coping is a strategy that helps people to identify and address the source of stress. It involves actively trying to solve the problem that is causing the stress. This can involve brainstorming solutions, seeking advice and support, and making plans to address the issue.

2. Emotion-Focused Coping
Emotion-focused coping is a strategy that helps people to manage their emotions during times of stress. This can involve using relaxation techniques, engaging in activities that help to reduce stress, such as exercise or creative activities, and engaging in self-care activities.

3. Avoidance Coping
Avoidance coping is a strategy that helps people to avoid or minimize contact with the source of stress. This can involve avoiding certain situations or people, or using distraction techniques such as watching TV or playing video games. It is important to note that avoidance coping can be helpful in the short-term, but it can be detrimental in the long-term if the source of stress is not addressed.


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The three basic coping strategies are problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance. Problem-focused strategies involve addressing the issue causing distress and finding a solution. Emotion-focused strategies involve managing the emotions caused by the stressful situation through relaxation techniques or talking to a friend. Avoidance strategies involve either avoiding the source of stress or distracting oneself in order to reduce the negative emotions. Each of these strategies can be used alone or in combination to help manage stress more effectively.


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The three basic coping strategies are problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance-focused. Problem-focused strategies involve changing the circumstances that are causing the stress, such as problem solving or negotiation. Emotion-focused strategies involve managing the emotions that accompany the stressful situation, such as relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, and mindfulness. Lastly, avoidance-focused strategies involve avoiding or withdrawing from the stressor, such as procrastination or distraction. All three strategies can be effective if used correctly and in the right context.


Active member
The three basic coping strategies are problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance-focused.

Problem-focused coping strategies are aimed at resolving the problem or reducing the stressor that is causing the distress. Examples include problem-solving, seeking advice, and seeking professional help.

Emotion-focused coping strategies involve managing the emotional distress associated with the stressor. Examples include relaxation techniques, positive self-talk, and positive reframing.

Avoidance-focused coping strategies involve avoiding the stressor or avoiding thinking about it. Examples include distracting oneself, procrastinating, and avoiding people or situations that are related to the stressor.

In general, problem-focused strategies are the most effective for dealing with stress in the long term. They are aimed at resolving the problem or reducing the stressor, thus reducing the emotional distress associated with it. Emotion-focused strategies are useful for managing the emotional distress in the short term, but may not be as effective in the long term. Avoidance-focused strategies may help in the short term, but are unlikely to lead to a successful resolution of the problem.


Active member
Coping strategies can be broadly classified into three categories: problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance-focused. Problem-focused coping involves finding solutions to the problem at hand. This could be developing an action plan or seeking advice from those who have faced similar issues. Emotion-focused coping involves managing and regulating emotions in order to better cope with the situation. This might involve relaxation techniques, self-care, and positive self-talk. Lastly, avoidance-focused coping involves avoiding the problem altogether. This might involve distracting oneself from the problem, disassociating oneself from the problem, or engaging in activities to forget the problem.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Coping strategies are methods used to manage mental health challenges. People use them to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other difficult emotions. The three basic coping strategies are problem solving, self-care, and relaxation. Problem solving involves actively addressing the source of stress or worry. Self-care includes activities such as exercise, meditation, and getting enough sleep. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided visualization can be helpful in managing stress.