What are the stages of Paget's


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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding the stages of Paget's Disease. I'm not sure what the different stages of Paget's are, and what type of symptoms they might include. Does anybody have any knowledge or experience that might help me understand the stages of Paget's better? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Paget's disease is a chronic bone disorder that affects the breakdown and formation of bone tissue. It is also known as osteitis deformans and is most common in people over the age of 50. The condition can cause pain, deformity, and fractures. It is important to be aware of the stages of Paget's disease and to seek medical help if symptoms develop.

Stages of Paget's Disease

1. Early Stage: This is the earliest stage of Paget's disease. It is characterized by an increase in bone turnover, which leads to increased bone breakdown. This stage is often asymptomatic, and diagnosis is usually made when other tests are done.

2. Active Disease: This is the stage when symptoms begin to appear. Common symptoms include pain, deformity, and fractures. During this stage, the bones become weakened and prone to fractures. It is important to seek medical advice during this stage to ensure that the disease is properly managed.

3. Quiescent Disease: This is the stage when the disease is not actively progressing. It is characterized by a decrease in bone turnover and a decrease in symptoms. During this stage, the bones are still weakened and fractures can still occur.

4. Advanced Stage: This is the final stage of Paget's disease. It is characterized by a decrease in bone turnover and an increase in deformity and fractures. At this stage, the bones are severely weakened and fractures are more likely to occur.

Treatment of Paget's Disease

Treatment of Paget's disease depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, the goal is to reduce bone turnover and reduce pain. Medications, such as bisphosphonates, can help reduce bone turnover and improve symptoms. In the active and advanced stages, surgery may be necessary to address deformity and fractures.


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Paget’s disease is a condition that affects the bones and is caused by an imbalance in the body’s natural mechanisms for replacing old bone with new bone. It is characterized by accelerated and abnormal bone turnover, leading to weakened and deformed bones. The disease is named for Sir James Paget, the British surgeon who first described it in 1877.

The stages of Paget’s disease can be divided into three main stages: the asymptomatic stage, the active stage, and the inactive stage.

The asymptomatic stage is the earliest stage of Paget’s disease and is usually asymptomatic, meaning patients will not experience any symptoms. However, during this stage, the bone remodeling process is already underway, and bone scans or other imaging tests may reveal abnormal bone activity.

The active stage of Paget’s disease is characterized by symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling in the affected area. During this stage, bones may become enlarged, weakened, and more prone to fractures. In addition, patients may experience joint stiffness, limited range of motion, and deformity.

The inactive stage is the final stage of Paget’s disease, and most patients will experience a decrease in symptoms. However, the bone remodeling process is still occurring, and bone scans may still show abnormal activity.

Paget’s disease is a chronic condition, and there is no cure. Treatment is aimed at controlling symptoms and preventing complications. Common treatments include medications to reduce pain and inflammation, physical therapy to improve range of motion, and surgery to repair damaged bones.


Active member
There are four stages of Paget's disease. The first stage is called the Asymptomatic or Latent stage. In this stage, there are no symptoms, but bone changes can be seen on x-rays. The second stage is called the Osteolytic stage. This is when the affected bone begins to break down and may cause pain, joint instability, or deformity. The third stage is called the Mixed or Osteosclerotic stage. This is when the bone starts to rebuild itself in an abnormal way, leading to deformities and an increased risk of fractures. The fourth and final stage is called the Dysplastic stage. This is when the bone has become very weak and is unable to support itself. These stages can vary for each person and it is important to get regular check-ups and follow-up care to monitor any changes.


Active member
Paget's Disease is a bone disorder that is characterized by abnormal growth of bones. It usually progresses through four stages:

Stage 1: Osteolytic - characterized by abnormal bone breakdown.
Stage 2: Mixed Osteolytic and Osteoblastic - characterized by both bone breakdown and formation.
Stage 3: Osteoblastic - characterized by abnormal bone formation.
Stage 4: Mixed Osteolytic and Osteosclerotic - characterized by both bone breakdown and hardening.

The stages of Paget's Disease can be hard to distinguish and diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, imaging, and blood tests. Treatment usually depends on the stage and severity of the disease, and in some cases, surgery may be required.


Active member
Paget’s disease is a condition that affects the bones and is caused by an imbalance in the body’s natural mechanisms for replacing old bone with new bone. It is characterized by accelerated and abnormal bone turnover, leading to weakened and deformed bones. The disease is named for Sir James Paget, the British surgeon who first described it in 1877.

The stages of Paget’s disease can be divided into three main stages: the asymptomatic stage, the active stage, and the inactive stage.

The asymptomatic stage is the earliest stage of Paget’s disease and is usually asymptomatic, meaning patients will not experience any symptoms. However, during this stage, the bone remodeling process is already underway, and bone scans or other imaging tests may reveal abnormal bone activity.

The active stage of Paget’s disease is characterized by symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling in the affected area. During this stage, bones may become enlarged, weakened, and more prone to fractures. In addition, patients may experience joint stiffness, limited range of motion, and deformity.

The inactive stage is the final stage of Paget’s disease, and most patients will experience a decrease in symptoms. However, the bone remodeling process is still occurring, and bone scans may still show abnormal activity.

Paget’s disease is a chronic condition, and there is no cure. Treatment is aimed at controlling symptoms and preventing complications. Common treatments include medications to reduce pain and inflammation, physical therapy to improve range of motion, and surgery to repair damaged bones.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Paget's disease is a chronic condition that can affect bones and other tissues in the body. It is characterized by excessive breakdown and formation of bone tissue. There are four stages of Paget's disease progression:

Stage 1: Early Paget's Disease – In this stage, bone breakdown and formation are both increased but not yet excessive. This can lead to subtle changes in the shape of bones and can be detected through an x-ray, bone scan, or other imaging tests.

Stage 2: Moderate Paget's Disease – At this stage, the activity of bone breakdown and formation is markedly increased, leading to further changes in the shape of bones and increased risk of fractures.

Stage 3: Severe Paget's Disease – In this stage, the activity of bone breakdown and formation is very high and bones may become fragile, leading to a greater risk of fractures and deformity.

Stage 4: Post-Treatment Paget's Disease – Following treatment with medications or surgery, the activity of bone breakdown and formation is reduced, bones may become less fragile, and deformity may improve. However, the condition may not be completely cured and symptoms may still persist.


Active member
Paget's disease is a chronic bone disorder where bones become weakened and deteriorate. It is characterized by four stages: early, accelerated, peak and decline. During the early stage, the bone structure may become enlarged and dense but still strong. During the accelerated phase, bones become weakened and the rate of bone destruction increases. During the peak stage, bones are extremely fragile and are prone to fractures and deformities. Finally, during the decline stage, bone formation increases and the rate of destruction decreases. The disease can eventually become dormant.


Active member
Paget's disease can be divided into three stages: the latent stage, the active stage, and the advanced stage. During the latent stage, the bone is weakened but there are no symptoms. During the active stage, symptoms like bone pain and fractures may appear. In the advanced stage, the bone becomes deformed and bone cancer may occur.