Stages of an Abscess
An abscess is a collection of pus that forms in a localized area of the body, usually due to an infection. It is a common medical condition, and is typically treated with antibiotics and, if needed, surgical drainage. The stages of an abscess include:
Formation – In this stage, a pocket of infection develops, resulting in inflammation, redness, swelling, and pain.
Collection – White blood cells, bacteria, and other debris are gradually released into the pocket of infection, leading to the accumulation of pus.
Maturation – The pocket of pus continues to expand and mature over time, developing a thick wall of fibrous tissue, which helps keep the infection contained and prevents it from spreading to other areas of the body.
Drainage – If the abscess is left untreated, it will eventually rupture and drain the pus. If the abscess is large, it may need to be surgically drained.
Healing – After the abscess is drained, the body begins to heal itself, and the area eventually returns to normal. In some cases, scarring may occur.