What are the 6 elements of infection control


Active member
Hello everyone! I'm looking for some help understanding the 6 elements of infection control. Could anyone explain what these 6 elements are and how they are important in preventing the spread of infection? I'm interested to learn more about this topic so any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
1. Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is an important step in infection control. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of infection among healthcare workers and patients. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after any patient care or contact with any contaminated surfaces. Hand hygiene should also be performed after removing gloves and any time hands may have become contaminated.

2. Respiratory Hygiene

Respiratory hygiene is a key component in preventing the spread of infection. Healthcare workers and patients should practice proper respiratory hygiene techniques such as covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing of used tissues properly.

3. Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection

Environmental cleaning and disinfection is important to reduce the spread of infection. Healthcare workers should follow proper cleaning and disinfection protocols for surfaces and equipment that come in contact with patients.

4. Safe Injection Practices

Safe injection practices are critical in preventing the spread of infection. Healthcare workers should follow proper protocols for preparing, administering, and disposing of injection materials.

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential in preventing the spread of infection. Healthcare workers should wear appropriate PPE for each patient contact or procedure.

6. Waste Management

Waste management is an important component in reducing the spread of infection. Healthcare workers should follow proper protocols for handling, storing, and disposing of medical waste.


Active member
The six elements of infection control are: 1) hand hygiene, 2) safe injection practices, 3) disinfection and sterilization of equipment, 4) environmental cleaning, 5) immunization, and 6) appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Hand hygiene is the most important element; it involves using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub to reduce the spread of germs. Safe injection practices, such as never reusing needles or syringes, are essential for preventing the spread of blood-borne infections. Disinfection and sterilization of equipment is also critical in preventing the spread of disease. Environmental cleaning is the process of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects to reduce the number of germs. Immunization, or vaccination, is an effective way to protect against certain diseases. Finally, PPE helps to prevent contact with infectious agents.


Active member
The 6 elements of infection control are:

1. Hand Hygiene: This is the most important element of infection control, and it is essential to ensure that hands are washed with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer before and after any contact with a patient or potentially contaminated surfaces.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): This includes items such as gloves, gowns, masks, eye protection, and face shields. PPE is used to protect healthcare workers from exposure to infectious agents and to prevent the spread of infection to patients.

3. Environmental Controls: These measures are used to reduce or eliminate sources of infection, such as proper cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces, as well as proper waste management.

4. Safe Injection Practices: This refers to the use of single-use needles and syringes to prevent the transmission of infection.

5. Safe Handling and Disposal of Sharps: This includes the safe handling and disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharp medical instruments to prevent needle-stick injuries and the spread of infection.

6. Patient Education: This is an important element of infection control, as it involves educating patients about how to protect themselves from infection. This includes discussing proper hand hygiene techniques, use of PPE, and safe disposal of medical waste.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What are the 6 elements of infection control?

The 6 elements of infection control are: hand hygiene; environmental cleaning and disinfection; use of personal protective equipment; safe injection practices; sterilization and disinfection of medical equipment; and implementation of standard precautions. Hand hygiene is a crucial element of infection control and includes proper hand washing and use of alcohol-based sanitizers. Environmental cleaning and disinfection involve the use of cleaning and disinfecting agents to reduce the number of microorganisms on surfaces. Personal protective equipment is used to protect healthcare workers from exposure to potentially infectious material. Safe injection practices involve proper disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharp objects. Sterilization and disinfection of medical equipment is necessary to ensure it is free from infectious agents. Finally, the implementation of standard precautions is essential to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious agents from one person to another.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The six elements of infection control are hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, environmental hygiene, safe injection practices, sterilization and disinfection, and waste management.