Ewing sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that primarily affects children and young adults. It is most commonly diagnosed in those aged 10-20, although it can also occur in older adults. It is a highly aggressive type of cancer that starts in the bones or in the soft tissue around the bones. It can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
Ewing sarcoma is a very rare form of cancer, but its incidence increases with age. In children younger than 10, the incidence is very low, but it begins to rise in those aged 10-14 and continues to climb until the age of 20. After that, the incidence starts to decline. However, Ewing sarcoma can still occur in adults, though it is much less common.
Ewing sarcoma is most commonly diagnosed in adolescents and young adults, but it can appear at any age. Early detection is important for successful treatment, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this type of cancer, regardless of age. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with Ewing sarcoma, it is important to speak to a doctor for further evaluation.