What age does bipolar start


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Hello everyone,
I'm writing because I'm looking for some help and advice. I was wondering if anyone here has any personal knowledge or experience with bipolar disorder, specifically in regards to what age it typically starts? I'm asking because I'm concerned about a family member who may be showing signs. If anyone has any insight they can offer, it would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Bipolar bozukluk, genellikle çocukluk ve erken ergenlik döneminde ortaya çıkabilir. Ancak, her yaşta maharetleri gösterme yeteneğine sahip olabilir.

Bipolar Bozukluğunun Erken Belirtileri

Bipolar bozukluk, çocukluk ve erken ergenlik döneminde, çeşitli çevresel ve biyolojik faktörlerin etkisiyle ortaya çıkabilir. Bu nedenle, çocukların ve ergenlerin yüksek enerjili, çabuk sinirlenen ve uykusuzluk gibi belirtileri göstermesi, çocukluk bipolar bozukluğu için bir işaret olarak düşünülebilir. Ayrıca, çocukların ve ergenlerin ani değişken ruh hâlinin olması, çevresel stres ve felaketlerin, bazı ilaçların veya diğer sağlık sorunlarının etkisinden kaynaklanabileceği de düşünülmelidir.

Diagnostik Kriterler

Bipolar bozukluk, kişinin belirtileri göstermesi ve bir psikiyatr tarafından yapılan değerlendirmelerin sonuçlarına dayanarak tanı konulur. Tanı için, kişinin klinik olarak ani ve yoğun ruh hâlinin olması ve aşırı düşük veya yüksek enerjisi veya duygudurum değişiklikleri gibi belirtiler göstermesi gerekir. Ayrıca, takip eden birkaç ay süresince, bu belirtilerin kişinin her gün yaşamını etkilemesi ve kendini kontrol etmesini engellemek gerekebilir.


Bipolar bozukluk, uygun tedavi ve desteğin alınması durumunda kontrol altına alınabilir. Psikiyatrik görüşme, ilaç tedavisi, psikoterapi ve sosyal destek gibi yaklaşımların bir kombinasyonundan oluşan bir tedavi planı, kişinin yaşam kalitesini artırmak için önerilir. Ayrıca, bipolar bozukluklu kişilerin, iyi beslenme, aktif yaşam ve doğru uyku düzeni gibi yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri yapmaları da önerilmektedir.


Active member
Bipolar disorder can start at any age, but it typically appears in late adolescence or early adulthood. It is important to remember that different people can have different experiences with bipolar disorder, and not everyone will have the same symptoms or severity of symptoms. If you are worried that you or someone you know may have bipolar disorder, it is important to speak to a doctor or mental health professional.


Active member
Bipolar disorder typically begins in the late teens or early adulthood. However, it is possible to develop symptoms of bipolar disorder earlier in life, even in childhood. If you or a loved one has experienced changes in mood, energy, behavior, or thinking that causes distress and disruption in life, seek professional help. A doctor or mental health professional can evaluate symptoms and determine if bipolar disorder is present.


Active member
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels, and it typically starts in the late teens or early adulthood. While bipolar disorder can start at any age, the median age of onset is 25 years old, and most cases emerge in the late teens or early 20s.

While bipolar disorder is generally diagnosed in adulthood, some cases may start in childhood or adolescence. Symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and teens can look different than they do in adults, and can be harder to diagnose. Symptoms in younger people may include changes in behavior, sleep patterns, energy levels, and irritability. Some children may also experience significant changes in their school performance.

Early signs of bipolar disorder may be present before the age of 12, but they may be hard to recognize and may be attributed to other issues. If left untreated, early-onset bipolar disorder can lead to further difficulties in the teen and young adult years. Therefore, it's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the symptoms and get help if they suspect their child may be struggling with bipolar disorder.

If you or someone you know is showing signs of bipolar disorder, it's important to seek professional help as soon as possible. A mental health professional can help to diagnose the condition and provide treatment options. With the right support, it is possible to manage bipolar disorder and lead a full and productive life.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The age at which bipolar disorder can first manifest is highly variable, but usually appears between the ages of 15 and 25. It can, however, manifest at any age, even in children. It is important to remember that bipolar disorder is a complex and long-term illness, and its onset is often gradual, making it difficult to identify in its early stages. It is important to be aware of signs and symptoms, such as sudden changes in mood, energy levels, and behavior, that could indicate the presence of bipolar disorder. Professional help from a doctor or mental health provider should be sought if any of these symptoms are present.


Active member
At what age does bipolar disorder typically start to manifest?

The typical age range for the beginning of bipolar disorder is late adolescence or early adulthood (ages 15-25). However, it is possible for it to develop in children, adolescents, and adults of all ages.


Active member
At what age does bipolar disorder typically start to manifest?

The typical age range for the beginning of bipolar disorder is late adolescence or early adulthood (ages 15-25). However, it is possible for it to develop in children, adolescents, and adults of all ages.