INFJ is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging and is often referred to as the "Advocate" or "Idealist" personality type. It is considered to be a rare personality type, with only 1-3 percent of the population having this type.
Understanding INFJ Personality Type
People with an INFJ personality type are often very creative and have a deep understanding of others. They tend to be introspective and have strong intuition and empathy. They are often very idealistic and have strong values and beliefs. They are usually independent and thoughtful, and they are usually very focused on their goals.
Why INFJ is Considered a Rare Personality Type
INFJ is considered to be a rare personality type because it is estimated that only 1-3 percent of the population has this type. The rarity of this type can be attributed to the fact that it is an introverted type. People with this type are often highly independent and thoughtful, and they usually prefer to work alone rather than in groups. They are also often highly intuitive and empathetic, which can make them difficult to relate to for others. Additionally, INFJs tend to be very idealistic and have strong values and beliefs, which can make them seem out of touch with reality.
How to Identify an INFJ
If you think you might be an INFJ, there are some traits and behaviors you can look for. People with this type are often highly creative and have an intuitive understanding of others. They tend to be independent and thoughtful, and they usually have strong values and beliefs. They are usually very focused on their goals and have a deep understanding of human nature. Additionally, they are often highly empathetic and compassionate towards others.