How rare is INFJ vs INTJ


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I'm trying to figure out how rare INFJ and INTJ personality types are compared to each other. I'm new to learning about personality types and I'm having trouble finding reliable statistics.


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Global Mod
INFJ and INTJ are two of the 16 different personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). These two types are part of the rarest group of personality types, making up less than 3% of the population. Specifically, INTJs make up only 2.1% of the population, while INFJs make up a slightly higher 2.5%. Both of these personality types enjoy deep inner reflection, are highly independent, and strive for excellence. They are also both characterized by their strong intuition and introverted-thinking.

Subtitle Comparisons

Despite these similarities, INTJs and INFJs have some distinct differences. INTJs tend to be more analytical and logical, while INFJs are more emotionally intuitive. INTJs are more focused on facts and logical arguments, while INFJs tend to be more creative and open-minded. INTJs are also more independent and self-sufficient, while INFJs are more attuned to the needs of others.

Subtitle Strengths and Weaknesses

Both INTJs and INFJs have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. INTJs are often seen as highly intelligent and logical problem-solvers. They are also good at making decisions and taking initiative. However, INTJs can be seen as overly analytical and insensitive to the feelings of others.

INFJs, on the other hand, are seen as compassionate and caring listeners. They are often good at understanding complex emotions and helping others find solutions. However, INFJs can be prone to over-thinking and can be easily overwhelmed.

Subtitle Conclusion

Both INTJs and INFJs are rare and special personality types. While they may have some differences, they both have unique strengths and weaknesses. INTJs are often seen as highly analytical and logical, while INFJs are more emotionally intuitive and compassionate. Ultimately, whether you are an INTJ or an INFJ, understanding your personality type can help you better understand yourself and how you interact with the world around you.


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INFJ and INTJ personalities are both very rare, making up only 2-4% of the population. INFJs are often seen as more intuitive and emotionally-oriented, while INTJs are more analytical and logical. INFJs tend to be more focused on feeling and connecting with others, while INTJs are more driven to problem solve and strategize. Despite the differences, both types often share a strong sense of intuition and insight, as well as a focus on finding deeper meaning in life.


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The INFJ personality type is much rarer than the INTJ, with a global population of approximately 1-2% compared to the INTJ's 2-4%. INFJs are often viewed as being more idealistic and creative than INTJs, whereas INTJs are more practical and analytical. INFJs also tend to be more sensitive and emotional, while INTJs have a greater capacity for objectivity and detachment. Both types are highly independent and capable of great success in a wide variety of fields, but INFJs are often more likely to pursue creative or humanitarian interests.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
INTJs and INFJs are both rare personality types, but INTJ is slightly more rare than INFJ, making up only 2.1 percent of the population compared to INFJs at 2.5 percent.