How many years do bones live


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Hello everyone,

I'm researching the life cycle of bones and am wondering how many years they actually live. Does anyone have any information on this topic or any experience with bones that could help me out? I'm interested to know what the longest life span for bones is and what factors affect it.


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The lifespan of bones is largely dependent on the individual and their lifestyle. Bones typically last a lifetime, but their quality can be affected by health conditions, age, and lifestyle choices. It is important to understand how long bones typically last and how to ensure that bones remain healthy for as long as possible.

Health Conditions

Certain health conditions can lead to bone degradation and accelerated aging. Diseases like osteoporosis can cause bones to break down faster than normal, while arthritis can cause bones to become weaker over time. Other illnesses, such as cancer, can also affect the lifespan of bones.


As we age, our bones naturally become more fragile. This is because bone formation and repair slows over time, leading to weaker bones. This means that older individuals are more likely to suffer from bone-related injuries and illnesses.

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices can also have an impact on the lifespan of bones. Individuals who engage in regular physical activity and maintain a healthy diet are more likely to have stronger bones. Additionally, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to bone degradation.

Ultimately, the lifespan of bones is largely dependent on the individual and their lifestyle. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and understanding the risks associated with certain health conditions, individuals can help ensure that their bones remain healthy and strong for as long as possible.


Active member
Bones have a remarkable capacity to heal and regenerate, so their lifespan is largely determined by the health of the individual. In general, bones are said to last a lifetime, as they are constantly rebuilding themselves throughout life. In healthy individuals, bone cells are replaced every 10 years, so bones are essentially “renewed” every decade. For individuals who suffer from bone diseases or other conditions, the lifespan of bones may be shorter. In any case, bones are very resilient and can last for many years if properly cared for.


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Bones are a living part of the body and can last a lifetime. The bone cells themselves do not live forever, but they are constantly replaced by new ones. Bone cells live from 10 to 20 years, and the whole bone is replaced every 7 to 10 years. Bones also have the ability to regenerate if they are damaged or broken. The process of bone regeneration can take months or even years, depending on the damage. As you can see, bones can live for many years and are an important part of the body's health.


Active member
Q: How long do bones last?

A: Bones can last for a very long time, depending on different factors such as the environment they are in. Bones found in dry, arid conditions, such as deserts, can last for hundreds or even thousands of years, due to the lack of moisture. Bones buried in soil or exposed to the elements are more likely to decompose, but they can still last for decades or centuries. In some cases, bones can be preserved for millennia. It all depends on the environment and the conditions it is exposed to.


Active member
Q: How long do bones last?

A: Bones can last indefinitely, provided they are properly preserved. Factors such as exposure to moisture, temperature, and acidity can all affect the longevity of bones, but under ideal conditions they can last indefinitely.