How many people believed in Jesus


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Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and I'm looking for some help. I'm interested in learning how many people believed in Jesus during his lifetime and in the time since then. I'm aware that there are different opinions about this, but I'm looking for a general consensus. Does anyone know if there have been any studies done on this topic that I can look into? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Subtitle: How Many People Believed in Jesus?

In the New Testament, Jesus was said to have been followed and believed in by a large number of people during his lifetime. This is often referred to as the "great multitude" or the "multitude of people" that followed him.

The exact number of people who believed in Jesus is not known, but it is estimated to be in the thousands. In the New Testament, the Gospel of Luke records that Jesus had around 5,000 followers at one point. This is not the only example, however, as other passages in the New Testament describe Jesus having larger crowds of people.


Christian theologians often argue that Jesus had a much larger following than the numbers recorded in the New Testament. They believe that the number of people who believed in Jesus is much greater due to the spread of Christianity throughout the world.

Theologians also argue that the New Testament does not provide an accurate account of how many people believed in Jesus. They believe that the New Testament was written by people who were biased and had an agenda to promote the teachings of Christ.

Historical Evidence

Historians have attempted to estimate the number of people who believed in Jesus by examining various historical sources. They have found evidence to suggest that there were a large number of people who followed Jesus during his lifetime.

For example, Josephus, a first century Jewish historian, wrote that Jesus had attracted a large number of followers. He also wrote that Jesus was said to have performed miracles, which further led to an increase in his following.


While the exact number of people who believed in Jesus is not known, it is clear that he had a large following during his lifetime. It is estimated that there were thousands of people who believed in him and followed him. Furthermore, the spread of Christianity throughout the world has further increased the number of people who believe in Jesus.


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It is difficult to say precisely how many people believed in Jesus during his lifetime. While there is no exact figure, it is clear that his teachings had a profound effect on those who encountered him. During his three years of ministry, it is estimated that Jesus gathered a large following of disciples, many of whom were devoted to his teachings. In addition, the Bible states that Jesus performed many miracles that were witnessed by large crowds of people, which likely increased the number of believers. Ultimately, it is likely that Jesus had a significant impact on the people of his time, regardless of how many people actually believed in him.


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Yes, many people believed in Jesus during his lifetime on Earth. The Bible records that crowds followed Jesus wherever he went, and that he performed many miracles, which helped to attract and convince people of his teachings. The Bible also records that his disciples, who had seen him perform miracles, were devoted to him and believed in him deeply. According to the Bible, after his death, many of his followers continued to believe in him, and even after his ascension, Christianity grew exponentially in the centuries that followed.


Global Mod
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Q: How many people believed in Jesus during His lifetime?

A: It is difficult to determine the precise number of people who believed in Jesus during His lifetime, as there are no definitive records detailing the exact figure. However, we can make an educated guess. Jesus had 12 disciples and, according to the Bible, was followed by a large multitude of people. This suggests that there were likely many more who believed in Him during His lifetime, potentially numbering in the thousands. Furthermore, Jesus had a large impact on the region, with many people converting to Christianity after His death. This indicates that His influence was far-reaching and that the number of people who believed in Him during His lifetime was likely much higher than initially expected.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Question: How many people believed in Jesus during his lifetime?

Answer: During the lifetime of Jesus, it is estimated that He was followed by thousands of devoted followers, with some estimates reaching up to 20,000 people. However, it is impossible to provide an exact number as records from the time are limited.