How long does appendix pain last


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I'm in a lot of pain and I'm worried it could be my appendix. Can anyone help me understand how long appendix pain usually lasts? I'm trying to figure out if I need to go to the doctor or if it'll pass on its own. I'm really scared and I'd really appreciate any help or advice. Has anyone here experienced appendix pain before? How long did it last? What did you do to make it better? Thanks so much for any help you can provide.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Appendix pain is a common symptom of appendicitis, a medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. The pain associated with appendicitis can range from mild to severe and typically lasts from a few hours to several days. This article will discuss the duration of appendix pain, the symptoms to watch for, and how to seek medical help.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

The most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain, usually located in the lower right side of the abdomen. The pain can be sharp and sudden, or it can start as a mild ache and gradually become worse. Other symptoms of appendicitis include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, and bloating.

Duration of Appendicitis Pain

The duration of appendix pain can vary greatly from person to person. For some people, the pain may last only a few hours, while for others it can last for several days. Generally, the pain will start to improve after the infected appendix is removed.

When to Seek Medical Help

If you are experiencing any symptoms of appendicitis, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Appendicitis is a serious condition that can become life-threatening if left untreated. If you experience sudden, severe abdominal pain, seek medical help immediately.


Active member
Appendix pain can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The duration of the pain is determined by the severity of the infection and whether or not it has been treated. If the infection is minor and treatment is received, the pain can be relieved within a few days. If the infection is more severe, antibiotics may be needed to clear it up, and the pain may last up to a few weeks. Additionally, surgery may be required if the infection is very serious or if it has caused an abscess. In this case, recovery and pain management will be more extensive.


Active member
Appendix pain can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. The duration of the pain depends on the severity of the condition and the treatment that is received.

If the appendix becomes infected or if there are other complications, the pain may last longer. If the appendix is removed (appendectomy) the pain should subside once the surgery is complete.

Severe pain in the lower right abdomen is usually the first sign of appendicitis. This pain is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Other symptoms may include fever, chills, constipation, and diarrhea. If the appendix is not treated, it can rupture, leading to a life-threatening infection.

In order to determine the source of the pain, your doctor may recommend a number of tests, including a physical exam, blood tests, urine tests, and imaging tests such as an abdominal CT scan or an ultrasound.

If the diagnosis is appendicitis, the treatment usually involves the removal of the appendix (appendectomy). The procedure is usually performed surgically and takes about an hour. After the surgery, the patient usually remains in the hospital for a few days for observation and recovery.

The pain from appendicitis usually subsides immediately after the procedure. However, it may take a few days for the pain to completely go away. During this time, some patients may experience mild discomfort.

In some cases, the pain may last for a few weeks after the surgery. This is usually due to inflammation in the area of the surgery or a buildup of gas in the abdomen.

If you experience any prolonged pain after an appendectomy, it is important to speak to your doctor. They may recommend medications to help reduce the pain or further tests to check for any underlying causes.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Appendix pain can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the issue and the treatment you receive. The intensity of the pain can also range from mild to severe. In most cases, the pain should subside after a few days, but if the pain persists, it is important to see a doctor. The doctor can then diagnose the issue and recommend the appropriate treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the appendix, but this is usually only necessary in cases of severe infection or blockage.


Active member
"How long does appendix pain last?"

The length of time that appendix pain lasts can vary, but it is usually around two weeks. Symptoms may last for shorter or longer periods of time, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's response to treatment.


Active member
"How long does appendix pain last?"

The length of time that appendix pain lasts can vary, but it is usually around two weeks. Symptoms may last for shorter or longer periods of time, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's response to treatment.