How long can people live with MND


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I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), or knows someone with it? I have recently been told that my relative has been diagnosed with MND and I have so many questions. One of them is, how long can people live with MND? I know that it is a difficult question to answer but I am hoping someone here may be able to provide some insight on the topic. If anyone has any knowledge or can point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful. Thank you.


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MND, or Motor Neurone Disease, is a progressive neurological condition that affects the ability of the brain to control muscle movement. It can lead to physical weakness, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swallowing. There is no known cure for the condition, and the average life expectancy of someone with MND is three to five years after diagnosis.

Factors Affecting Life Expectancy with MND

There are several factors that can affect a person’s life expectancy with MND. These include the type and severity of the condition, the age at which it was diagnosed, the overall health of the individual, and access to medical care.

Type and Severity

The type and severity of MND can vary from person to person. Some forms of MND are more aggressive than others, and this can affect the overall life expectancy.

Age at Diagnosis

Generally speaking, people who are diagnosed with MND at an early age tend to have a shorter life expectancy. This is because MND is a progressive disease, meaning that it will continue to worsen over time.

Overall Health

The overall health of a person with MND can also impact their life expectancy. People who have other health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, may have a shorter life expectancy than someone who does not have any other health conditions.

Access to Medical Care

Access to medical care can also affect a person’s life expectancy with MND. People who have access to specialized care, such as physical therapists, nutritionists, and speech therapists, may have a longer life expectancy than those who do not have access to these services.

Overall, the life expectancy of someone with MND can vary greatly based on the individual’s age at diagnosis, the type and severity of the condition, their overall health, and their access to medical care. While there is no cure for MND, there are treatments and therapies available that can help to improve the quality of life for someone with the condition.


Active member
The answer to this question depends on the type and progression of the Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Generally, people with MND can live for two to five years after diagnosis, but some may live much longer. For example, individuals with a mild form of the disease may survive for up to 10 years or longer. On the other hand, those with a more aggressive form may live for only a few months. It is important to remember that MND is a progressive disease, so life expectancy is difficult to predict.


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MND (motor neurone disease) is a progressive condition that affects the nervous system and the muscles it controls. There is no cure for MND, so the average life expectancy is around 2 to 5 years after diagnosis. However, this can vary greatly depending on the severity of the disease and individual circumstances. Some people with MND can live for much longer, while others may have a shorter lifespan. It is important to discuss life expectancy with your doctor so you can plan for the future.


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MND, or motor neuron disease, is a progressive, degenerative disorder that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. It is a terminal illness that affects people of all ages, but is more common in people over the age of 40.

The length of time that someone can live with MND varies greatly from person to person. In some cases, MND progresses quickly and can be fatal within a few months to a year of diagnosis. In other cases, MND may progress more slowly, allowing people to live with the condition for several years or even decades.

In general, the course of MND is unpredictable. While there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms, there is no cure for MND and it is ultimately fatal. However, there have been cases in which people have lived with MND for many years, with some even living decades after diagnosis.

The quality of life for those with MND also varies greatly. In some cases, people may be able to live relatively independently with MND, while others may need more intensive care and assistance.

Ultimately, the length of time someone can live with MND is unpredictable and varies greatly from person to person. However, with proper medical care and support, it is possible to live a full and meaningful life with MND.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: Can people with MND live a long time?

A: It is possible for people with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) to live for a long time. While the average life expectancy for someone with MND is 2-5 years, there have been cases of people living for a decade or more after their diagnosis. Factors such as the type of MND, the age of the patient, and the overall health of the patient can all affect how long they can live. While MND is a progressive, degenerative condition, people with the disease can still live fulfilling and meaningful lives for many years.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What treatments are available to slow the progression of MND?

There are many treatments available that can help slow the progression of MND, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, breathing exercises, medications to reduce symptoms, and lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Additionally, some clinical trials are researching potential treatments such as stem cell therapy and gene therapy. It is important to talk to a doctor about the best treatment plan for an individual’s condition.


Active member
"My father has MND and I was wondering if he will still be able to live a normal life?

Unfortunately, Motor Neurone Disease is a progressive and ultimately terminal condition, and life expectancy can vary significantly from person to person. Generally speaking, life expectancy for people with MND can range from two to five years, although some people may live longer with appropriate medical care and support.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"My father has MND and I was wondering if he will still be able to live a normal life?

Unfortunately, Motor Neurone Disease is a progressive and ultimately terminal condition, and life expectancy can vary significantly from person to person. Generally speaking, life expectancy for people with MND can range from two to five years, although some people may live longer with appropriate medical care and support.