What is ASCUS?
ASCUS stands for Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance. It is a precancerous lesion that can, in rare cases, develop into cancer. It is not considered cancer, but can be a sign of developing cancer.
Does ASCUS always develop into cancer?
No, ASCUS does not always develop into cancer. In most cases, ASCUS does not progress and does not require treatment or additional testing. However, some people with ASCUS have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer, so it is important to monitor for signs of progression.
How fast does ASCUS turn into cancer?
The exact rate at which ASCUS can turn into cancer is not known. It can take years for cancer to develop from ASCUS. In some cases, it may take decades. In most cases, regular screening and follow-up can help detect any changes in the cells before they become cancerous.