Rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose, which can cause symptoms such as a runny nose, stuffiness, sneezing, or an itchy, burning sensation inside the nose. People with rhinitis may also experience facial pressure, headaches, or fatigue.
Symptoms of Rhinitis
The most common symptom of rhinitis is a runny or stuffy nose. Other symptoms may include:
• Sneezing
• Itching or burning sensation inside the nose
• Facial pressure or pain
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Coughing
• Bad breath
• Loss of smell or taste
Causes of Rhinitis
Rhinitis can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies, irritants, or infections. Allergies can trigger rhinitis by causing the body to release histamine, a chemical that causes inflammation in the nasal passages. Irritants such as smoke, chemicals, or strong odors can also cause rhinitis. Infections such as the common cold, sinusitis, or the flu can also lead to rhinitis.
Treatment of Rhinitis
Treatment for rhinitis depends on the underlying cause. Allergy medications, such as antihistamines, can help relieve the symptoms of allergies. Decongestants can help reduce nasal congestion. Nasal sprays or drops can help reduce inflammation. For infections, antibiotics may be necessary.
In some cases, allergies may be treated with immunotherapy, which helps to reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens. Surgery may be an option for some cases of sinusitis or other chronic conditions.