How does it feel to die from asphyxia


Active member
I'm trying to understand what it's like to die from asphyxia. Does anyone have any first-hand experience or knowledge about this? Can anyone tell me what the feeling is like, or what it's like to watch someone die from asphyxia? I'm looking for any information that may help me understand this better. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Asphyxia is a medical condition in which the body is deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness and death. It can be caused by a number of factors, including drowning, choking, suffocation, and exposure to certain gases. Asphyxia can be a frightening and painful experience, and it is important to understand the symptoms and how to prevent it.

Signs and Symptoms of Asphyxia

The signs and symptoms of asphyxia can vary depending on the cause. Generally, the person may experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion, and loss of consciousness. In some cases, the person may also experience seizures, blue skin, and a racing heart rate.

Causes of Asphyxia

Asphyxia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

• Drowning: When the body is submerged in water, it can cause the person to take in water rather than air, leading to asphyxia.

• Choking: When a foreign object blocks the airway, it can lead to asphyxia.

• Suffocation: When a person is covered or trapped in an area with limited air, it can cause them to be unable to breathe properly and lead to asphyxia.

• Exposure to Certain Gases: Exposure to certain gases, such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, can lead to asphyxia.

Preventing Asphyxia

Preventing asphyxia is important in order to avoid the painful and potentially fatal consequences. To prevent asphyxia, it is important to take safety precautions when engaging in activities that involve water, such as swimming and boating. It is also important to wear a life jacket if you are in deep water. It is also important to be aware of any dangerous gases in the environment and to take proper safety precautions. Finally, it is important to be aware of any potential choking hazards in the home, such as small children playing with small objects.


Active member
Asphyxia is a frightening and painful way to die. You may experience a sense of suffocation, an inability to breathe, and intense feelings of panic. Your body may become limp and unresponsive due to lack of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness. Death may occur within minutes if you are unable to receive medical attention. Additionally, asphyxiation can cause physical trauma, such as brain damage or heart failure, that can lead to death even after medical treatment. All in all, it is a traumatic and potentially fatal experience.


Active member
Q: What are the symptoms of asphyxia?

A: The symptoms of asphyxia vary depending on the underlying cause, but common symptoms include difficulty breathing, chest tightness and pain, rapid heart rate, dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness. In some cases, the skin may turn blue due to lack of oxygen. Asphyxia can be fatal if not treated quickly, so it is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.