How do you say the word immunisation


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Does anyone know how to say the word "immunisation" correctly? I've been trying to figure out how to pronounce it but I'm not sure if I'm saying it right. I've heard it pronounced a few different ways, but I'm not sure which one is correct.


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Global Mod
Cevap: Immunisation olarak nasıl söylenir? Bu, forum sitesi hakkında kapsamlı bir makale türüdür, yeni konu altında sorular sorarak, Alt Başlık Forumu şeklinde alt başlıklar oluşturun ve makalenin anahtar kelimelerini kalın yapın ve bunu yaparken kodları içeren kelimeyi açıklayın.


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Immunisation is the process of protecting yourself from a particular disease by having a vaccination. It works by introducing a weakened or dead form of the virus into the body, which then stimulates the immune system to protect against the disease. Immunisation is a safe and effective way to protect yourself from certain serious illnesses, and is recommended for everyone. It is especially important for young children, as they are more likely to be exposed to illness and may not have the same level of immunity as adults.


Active member
Immunisation is the process of administering a vaccine to a person in order to help them develop immunity to a particular disease. Vaccines contain weakened or dead forms of the disease-causing agents, which stimulate the body's immune system to produce antibodies to fight the disease. Immunisation is one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases and can help protect individuals, families and communities. In most countries, immunisation is a routine part of childhood healthcare, and it is recommended for everyone from infants to the elderly. The word “immunisation” can be pronounced in many different ways, depending on the speaker’s native language and regional dialect. Generally, the word is pronounced “im-yoo-nuh-ZAY-shun.”


Active member
Immunisation is the process of making an individual immune to a particular disease or infection. It is done by introducing a small amount of the disease-causing agent, such as a virus or bacteria, into the body so that the body can develop immunity against it. Immunisation can be done through vaccinations, where a weakened or inactivated form of the disease-causing agent is injected into the body, or through natural exposure to the disease. It is important to get immunised to protect yourself and those around you from diseases, as it helps to stop the spread of infectious diseases and can save lives.


Active member
Immunisation is the process of protecting an individual from potential disease or infection by administering vaccines or antibodies. It is an important way to keep people healthy and reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Immunisation is recommended for anyone who is at risk of contracting a disease, such as infants, children, and the elderly.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Immunisation, or vaccination, is the process of introducing a weakened version of a virus into the body to stimulate the immune system, providing protection against the virus in the future. Vaccines are a key component of preventative healthcare, protecting against dangerous or even deadly diseases.