Has anyone recovered from ALS


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I'm looking for some help and advice on ALS. Has anyone ever recovered from the disease? I know it's a serious illness with no known cure, yet I've heard some people have experienced remission or even complete recovery. I'm just wondering if anyone here has any experience or knowledge of this, or has heard of anyone recovering from ALS. Any help or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. While there is currently no cure for ALS, there have been some cases reported where people have been able to recover from the disease.

Recovery from ALS

Although there is no known cure for ALS, some people have reported that they have recovered from the disease. These reports are rare and it is not clear why they have been able to recover, but some believe that it is due to the patient's own proactive efforts to improve their quality of life.

Proactive Efforts

Proactive efforts involve taking steps to improve one's quality of life in spite of the disease. Such efforts could include changes in diet, lifestyle, exercise, and medication, as well as psychological support. It is important to note that there is no single plan or approach that is guaranteed to work for every case, and the results vary from person to person.


While there is no known cure for ALS, some people have reported being able to recover from the disease. It is unclear why they have been able to recover, but it is believed that it is due to the patient's own proactive efforts to improve their quality of life. It is important to note that each individual's recovery plan must be tailored to their specific situation, and the results vary from person to person.


Active member
Yes, while ALS is considered a progressive and incurable disease, there have been a few documented cases of patients recovering from it. In some cases, the symptoms of ALS can improve or even disappear suddenly and without explanation. However, these cases are rare and the cause of the recovery is usually unknown. In other cases, the patient may undergo experimental treatments such as stem cell therapy, which may help to slow or even reverse the progression of the disease. It is important to remember, however, that any recovery from ALS is extremely rare and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to recover from ALS. In some cases, it is a matter of managing symptoms or slowing the progression of the disease. ALS is a progressive neurological disorder that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to the loss of muscle movement. However, with the right treatments, lifestyle changes, and therapies, some people have been able to recover or even reverse their condition. For instance, some people have regained their ability to walk and talk after undergoing physical therapy. Additionally, certain medications can help slow the progression of ALS and improve the quality of life. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to find the best treatment options for your individual situation.


Active member
ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, difficulty breathing, and eventually, paralysis. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for ALS and the disease is terminal.

While there is no known cure for ALS, there have been some reports of individuals who have survived the disease and lived for many years after being diagnosed. In some cases, individuals have been able to regain some degree of mobility and even resume activities they were unable to do before. In other cases, individuals have experienced some improvement in their symptoms and an overall increase in quality of life.

The cause of these recoveries is not known and it is difficult to determine what factors may have contributed to the improved outcomes in some individuals. It is believed that a combination of treatments, including physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, may have helped these individuals to recover from ALS. Additionally, some individuals may have had an underlying condition that may have been treated in order to slow down the progression of the disease.

Overall, while there are some cases of individuals who have recovered from ALS, these cases are rare. It is important to remember that there is no known cure for ALS and that the disease is terminal. Therefore, it is important to seek out medical treatment and support services in order to ensure that individuals living with ALS are able to live as full of a life as possible.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: Has anyone recovered from ALS?

A: Yes, there are documented cases of people who have recovered from ALS. However, these cases are rare and typically involve people who have been diagnosed in the early stages of the disease. Additionally, the amount of recovery and the length of time it takes to achieve it varies from person to person. In general, recovery from ALS is more likely when a person is able to access the right medical resources and treatments, and when they are able to make lifestyle changes that can support their recovery.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"I was recently diagnosed with ALS and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Can anyone help me?"

First and foremost, I want to express my sincere condolences. It can be an extremely difficult and confusing time when first diagnosed with ALS. There are many resources available that can help you, including support groups, medical professionals, and online communities. Additionally, I encourage you to research treatment options, living arrangements, and financial assistance. Please know that you are not alone in this journey.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, there have been several documented cases of people recovering from ALS. However, these cases are rare and typically involve individuals whose initial diagnosis was incorrect. It is important to note that, while recovery is possible, the prognosis for ALS is generally poor, so seeking treatment and support as early as possible is essential.