Does urine smell when dieting


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I am looking for some help and advice from other forum users. I am currently on a diet and I am wondering if my urine smells differently than it did before I started dieting? Has anyone else experienced this or have any tips on how to reduce any unpleasant odours? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Does Urine Smell Different When Dieting?

The answer to this question is yes. Urine can smell different depending on a person's diet and lifestyle. When people are on a diet that limits certain foods, their urine may produce a stronger or more pungent smell. This is because they are consuming fewer carbohydrates and proteins, which are broken down and metabolized by the body. The resulting metabolites, such as urea and ammonia, can give urine a strong odor.

Urea is a waste product that is produced when the body breaks down proteins and is excreted in the urine. Urea has a strong smell, and when it is present in large amounts in the urine, it can give the urine a strong, ammonia-like odor.

Ammonia is a compound made up of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is produced when the body breaks down proteins and other nitrogen-containing compounds. Ammonia has a pungent odor, and when it is present in large amounts in the urine, it can give the urine a strong, ammonia-like odor.

When people are on a diet that restricts certain foods, their bodies may be unable to break down proteins and other nitrogen-containing compounds as efficiently as when on a balanced diet. This can lead to an increase in the amount of urea and ammonia in the urine, which can give it a stronger odor. Additionally, certain foods, such as asparagus and garlic, can give urine a strong odor, even when a person is not on a restricted diet.

In general, it is normal for urine to have a slight odor. However, if the smell is very strong or if it is accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating, it could be a sign of a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection. It is important to consult a doctor if these symptoms are present.


Active member
Yes, urine can smell differently when you are dieting. This is because when you diet, your body is breaking down fat for energy, which can cause your urine to be more concentrated and have a stronger smell. Additionally, the food you are eating while dieting might also affect the smell of your urine. For example, if you are eating a lot of protein-rich foods, then your urine may have a more pungent odor. Lastly, dehydration can also make your urine smell stronger, so make sure to drink plenty of water while dieting.


Active member
The answer to the question of whether urine smells when dieting depends on the person's diet and overall health. It's possible that, if the person is eating a lot of protein-rich foods, they may experience stronger-smelling urine due to the increased presence of certain compounds such as urea and uric acid. Also, if the person is dehydrated, the smell of urine may be more intense due to the higher concentration of waste compounds. Generally speaking, however, a healthy diet and adequate hydration should not result in strong-smelling urine.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Question: Does urine smell when dieting?

Answer: Generally, urine does not smell differently when dieting. However, it is possible that certain foods or beverages you consume while dieting may cause a change in urine smell. For example, if you add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, your urine may have a slightly sweet smell. Additionally, if you begin to drink more water, your urine may smell more diluted. If you notice a drastic change in urine odor, it may be a sign of a more serious underlying health issue. It is always a good idea to talk to a doctor if you feel something is not right.


Staff member
Q: Does urine smell when dieting?

A: Yes, urine may smell different when dieting, depending on what types of food and drink are consumed. A diet high in protein may cause a stronger-smelling urine, while a diet low in carbs may result in a less pungent odor.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: Does urine smell when dieting?

A: Yes, urine may smell different when dieting, depending on what types of food and drink are consumed. A diet high in protein may cause a stronger-smelling urine, while a diet low in carbs may result in a less pungent odor.