Adenoviruses are common viruses that can cause a wide range of illnesses. They are typically spread through contact with an infected person or item, such as toys or doorknobs. While most adenovirus infections are mild and go away on their own, some can cause more serious illnesses.
Do Adenoviruses Go Away on Their Own?
In most cases, adenovirus infections go away without treatment within 7 to 10 days. While there is no specific treatment for adenovirus infections, symptoms can be managed with rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications.
When Should You See a Doctor?
Some people may need to see a doctor for adenovirus infections, especially if symptoms worsen or don't improve after a few days. People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or cancer, may also need medical care for adenovirus infections.
Are There Complications from Adenovirus Infections?
In some cases, adenovirus infections can lead to complications, such as pneumonia or inflammation of the heart, brain, or liver. These complications are more likely to occur in people with weakened immune systems.
Can Adenovirus Infections Be Prevented?
Adenovirus infections can be prevented by taking precautions to avoid contact with an infected person or item. Good hand hygiene, such as washing hands frequently with soap and water, can also help reduce the risk of infection.