Do psychopaths have low self esteem


Active member
I'm hoping to get some help from the forum community about the topic of whether psychopaths have low self esteem. I'm trying to do some research but it seems like there's not a lot of information out there. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience in this area? Is there any evidence to suggest that psychopaths have low self esteem? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Do Psychopaths Have Low Self-Esteem?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, a disregard for social norms, and a tendency to manipulate and exploit others. But, do psychopaths have low self-esteem?

Research on this topic is limited, but studies suggest that psychopaths may actually have higher levels of self-esteem than other people. This is because they are often able to justify their behavior and rationalize away their own wrongdoing.

Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand the emotions and experiences of other people. People with psychopathy have difficulty connecting with the emotions of others, and this lack of empathy can lead to manipulation and exploitation.

Social Norms are the implicit and explicit rules of behavior that are accepted and expected within a society. People with psychopathy often disregard social norms and may engage in behaviors that are considered inappropriate or illegal.

Manipulation is the act of using psychological or emotional tactics to influence the behavior of another person. People with psychopathy are often adept at manipulating others and may use this skill to get what they want.

Self-Esteem is an individual's sense of self-worth. Psychopaths may have higher levels of self-esteem because they are often able to rationalize away their bad behavior. This is because they are not able to see the consequences of their actions on others, and are often able to justify their behavior to themselves.

In conclusion, while research on this topic is limited, it appears that psychopaths may have higher levels of self-esteem than other people. This is due to their lack of empathy, disregard for social norms, and ability to manipulate and exploit others.


Active member
Yes, psychopaths often have low self-esteem. People with a psychopathic personality disorder are typically characterized by an inability to form meaningful relationships, an inability to experience guilt, and difficulty accepting responsibility for their actions. These traits often lead to feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the lack of meaningful relationships can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can further contribute to low self-esteem.


Active member
No, psychopaths do not typically have low self-esteem. In fact, the opposite is usually true. Psychopaths are often highly narcissistic and have an exaggerated sense of their own importance and capabilities. They also tend to lack empathy, guilt, and remorse, which can make them appear extremely confident and secure in their own abilities. Therefore, low self-esteem is not a characteristic that is typically associated with psychopaths.


Active member
No, psychopaths do not generally have low self-esteem. Psychopaths are typically characterized as having an inflated sense of self-worth and confidence, often lacking empathy and disregarding the feelings of others.