Most people do not have periodontitis, but it is a common condition. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums and bone that supports the teeth. It is caused by bacteria that cause an infection in the gums and surrounding tissues. As the infection progresses, it can cause swelling, redness, bleeding, and pain. In advanced cases, it can lead to tooth loss.
Periodontitis is more common among adults and is more likely to occur in those with poor oral hygiene, diabetes, smoking, and genetics. It is estimated that up to 45% of adults in the United States have some form of periodontal disease, and the number increases with age. The disease can be managed with regular dental visits and professional cleanings, as well as proper oral hygiene at home.
There are various treatments available for periodontitis, depending on the severity. These may include antibiotics, antiseptic mouthwash, deep cleaning, and surgery. In some cases, medications may also be prescribed to help reduce inflammation and symptoms.
In conclusion, periodontitis is a common condition that affects many adults. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene and receive regular dental visits to prevent and manage the condition.