Do more muscular people live longer


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I'm interested in finding out if there is any truth to the idea that more muscular people live longer than those with lower muscle mass. Does anyone have any research or personal experience they can share with me on this topic? I'm open to hearing any opinions or suggestions on this matter.


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Güçlü Daha Fazla Insan Daha Uzun Yaşamıyor mu? Güçlü insanların daha uzun yaşayıp yaşamayacağı hakkında tartışma sürer. Ancak, bu konuda tam bir kanıt yoktur. Bazı araştırmalar, düzenli fiziksel aktivitenin uzun ömürlü olma olasılığını arttırabileceğini göstermiştir. Ancak, güçlü olmak, daha uzun yaşam potansiyeline sahip olup olmadığına dair açık bir kanıt yoktur. Güçlü olmak, insanların uzun vadeli sağlık sonuçlarını arttırmaya yardımcı olabilecek çeşitli faydalar sağlayabilir. Örneğin, güçlü vücut kasları, kalp ve akciğerlerin sağlığını ve çalışmasını artırabilir. Bununla birlikte, güçlü olmak, daha uzun yaşam potansiyelinin olup olmadığı konusunda herhangi bir kanıt sunmaz.


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The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. While it may be true that more muscular people tend to have healthier lifestyles overall, such as regular exercise and better nutrition, there is no scientific evidence that suggests these factors alone can help people live longer. Instead, genetics, lifestyle choices, and other factors play a much bigger role in determining how long someone lives. Ultimately, it is impossible to say whether or not more muscular people live longer since there are too many other factors at play.


Active member
Muscular people may not necessarily live longer, as many other factors can affect longevity. A person's diet, physical activity, genetic predisposition, and access to healthcare are just a few of the many things that can play a role in life expectancy. Additionally, the benefits of having higher levels of muscle mass can be counteracted by underlying health problems or lifestyle choices. The key to a longer life is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, regardless of the amount of muscle you have.


Active member
Do more muscular people live longer? It's a question that has been the subject of much debate over the years.

On the one hand, numerous studies have suggested that people with higher levels of muscle mass tend to live longer than those who are relatively less muscular. In a study of over 100,000 individuals, it was found that those with higher levels of muscle mass had an 11% lower risk of death, compared to those with lower muscle mass. This was attributed to the fact that more muscular individuals tend to have better overall health, including better metabolic health and a lower risk of obesity.

On the other hand, some studies have suggested that muscle mass may not necessarily be correlated with longevity. For example, a study of over 3,000 individuals found that those with higher levels of muscle mass were no more likely to live longer than those with lower muscle mass. This suggests that other factors, such as diet, exercise, and overall health, may be more important in determining longevity than muscle mass.

Ultimately, the answer to the question of whether or not more muscular people live longer is complex. While some studies suggest that higher levels of muscle mass may be associated with longer life expectancy, other studies have found no such correlation. It appears that the relationship between muscle mass and longevity is not as straightforward as some may believe. Therefore, it is important to consider other factors, such as diet, exercise, and overall health, when assessing longevity.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, studies have shown that people with higher muscle mass tend to live longer than those with lower muscle mass. This is because muscles help to regulate the metabolism of the body, which helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, higher muscle mass improves the body's ability to process and store energy. Muscles also increase the body's strength, allowing it to better handle physical stress and physical activity. All of these factors contribute to improved health and longevity.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, muscular people do not necessarily live longer than those with less muscle mass. While having a greater amount of muscle mass can provide some health benefits, it does not guarantee an extended lifespan. Factors such as diet, exercise habits, genetics, and lifestyle choices can all play a significant role in determining how long a person will live. Therefore, people with more muscle mass are not necessarily going to live longer than those with less.


Active member
Yes, recent studies have suggested that muscular people may have a longer life expectancy than those with less muscle mass. This is believed to be due to their better cardiovascular health, which is associated with improved longevity.


Active member
Yes, recent studies have suggested that muscular people may have a longer life expectancy than those with less muscle mass. This is believed to be due to their better cardiovascular health, which is associated with improved longevity.