Can Sleep Apnea disappear without treatment


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I am wondering if anyone has had experience with sleep apnea disappearing without treatment? I recently had a sleep study done and the results revealed I have mild sleep apnea. I am not sure if I should pursue treatment or wait and see if it can go away on its own. Has anyone been in a similar situation? I would appreciate any advice or experience you could share.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Can Sleep Apnea disappear without treatment?

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can have serious consequences for a person's health if it is not treated properly. It is a condition where a person's breathing stops and starts during sleep. This can lead to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and even an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. While there are effective treatments for sleep apnea, such as CPAP machines and lifestyle changes, it is possible for sleep apnea to disappear without treatment.

Can Sleep Apnea Disappear without Treatment?

There are several potential causes of sleep apnea, and a person's individual circumstances can influence whether or not their sleep apnea will go away without treatment. In some cases, sleep apnea can be caused by a physical blockage in the airways, such as enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum. In these cases, the blockage can be removed or corrected, resulting in the sleep apnea disappearing.

In other cases, sleep apnea can be caused by lifestyle factors. For example, being overweight or obese can cause the airways to become narrowed, leading to sleep apnea. In these cases, making lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, can help to reduce or eliminate the sleep apnea.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines are also commonly used to treat sleep apnea. CPAP machines deliver a steady stream of air into the airways, keeping them open during sleep and preventing the pauses in breathing that characterize sleep apnea. However, if a person is able to make lifestyle changes or correct any physical blockages that may be causing their sleep apnea, then they may be able to eliminate their sleep apnea without using a CPAP machine.

Can Sleep Apnea Return without Treatment?

In some cases, a person may find that their sleep apnea has disappeared without treatment, only for it to return some time later. This could be due to any number of factors, such as gaining weight, developing a new physical blockage, or simply the condition worsening. Therefore, it is important that people who have experienced sleep apnea and have been able to get it to go away without treatment still have regular check-ups with their doctor in order to ensure that their sleep apnea does not return.


Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can have serious consequences if it is not treated properly. While there are effective treatments for sleep apnea, such as CPAP machines and lifestyle changes, it is possible for sleep apnea to disappear without treatment. In some cases, a person may find that their sleep apnea has gone away without treatment, only for it to return some time later. Therefore, it is important that people who have experienced sleep apnea and have been able to get it to go away without treatment still have regular check-ups with their doctor in order to ensure that their sleep apnea does not return.


Active member
Yes, in some cases, sleep apnea can disappear without treatment. This is typically seen in children, where the underlying cause of the sleep apnea is related to physical changes that occur during growth and development. This type of sleep apnea usually resolves itself without medical intervention. In adults, however, the underlying causes of sleep apnea are typically more complicated and may require treatment to resolve.


Active member
Yes, in some cases sleep apnea can disappear without treatment. If the sleep apnea is caused by a temporary condition such as being overweight or having a cold, the apnea may resolve itself when the condition has been resolved. However, if the sleep apnea is caused by a more long-term medical issue such as enlarged tonsils, it may not disappear on its own and may require treatment in order to be resolved. It is important to consult a doctor before making any decisions about treatment.


Active member
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects an estimated 18 million American adults. While the condition can be effectively managed with lifestyle changes, medications, and medical devices, it cannot disappear without treatment.

Sleep apnea is caused by the airways becoming blocked during sleep, which causes the patient to stop breathing periodically throughout the night. Without treatment, this can lead to a number of serious health complications, such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and even death.

In order for sleep apnea to disappear without treatment, there would have to be a significant change in the underlying cause of the condition. This is unlikely, as most sleep apnea cases are caused by an obstruction in the airways, which is usually caused by obesity or physical abnormalities in the throat or nose.

While some lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, can improve the symptoms of sleep apnea, they cannot cure the condition. Additionally, lifestyle changes may not be enough to cure sleep apnea in all patients, and medical intervention may be necessary in order to achieve successful treatment.

In summary, sleep apnea cannot disappear without treatment. While lifestyle changes can improve the symptoms of the condition, medical intervention is usually necessary in order to achieve successful treatment. Without treatment, sleep apnea can lead to a number of serious health complications, which is why it is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing symptoms of the condition.


Active member
Yes, sleep apnea can disappear without treatment in some cases. However, this is usually only the case if the underlying cause of the sleep apnea is temporary or reversible. For instance, if the sleep apnea is caused by allergies or a cold, it may resolve itself once the allergies or cold have been treated. However, if the sleep apnea is caused by a more serious underlying medical condition such as obesity or heart disease, treatment will likely be required to reduce the symptoms and prevent further complications.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"Can sleep apnea go away without treatment?"

In some cases, sleep apnea can go away without treatment. Milder cases of sleep apnea may resolve on their own if the underlying cause is addressed. For instance, if excessive weight is the cause of the condition, then losing weight may improve the symptoms. However, it is not recommended to rely solely on self-care, as more severe cases of sleep apnea may require professional medical attention. A doctor can provide diagnosis and treatment plans to help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.


Active member
Question: Can Sleep Apnea disappear without treatment?

No, Sleep Apnea cannot disappear without treatment. The condition is caused by a physical obstruction of the airway, which can only be addressed through lifestyle changes, medical interventions, or both. While mild cases may improve without treatment, more severe cases require medical assistance to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of complications.