Can people with Angelman syndrome be normal


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I'm looking for help understanding Angelman syndrome and how it affects those who have it. Can people with Angelman syndrome be normal? Are there any treatments available that can help them live a more typical life? I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Angelman syndrome or knows someone who does, and can offer some insight into the condition.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What is Angelman Syndrome?

Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a rare neurological disorder that is caused by a genetic mutation or deletion of a specific region on the 15th chromosome. It is characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, motor dysfunction, and speech difficulties. People with AS typically have a happy demeanor, have frequent laughter, and are highly social.

Can People with Angelman Syndrome be Normal?

The short answer is no, people with Angelman Syndrome cannot be considered “normal.” Angelman Syndrome is a lifelong disorder that affects the development of physical, cognitive, and social skills. People with AS often need lifelong care and assistance with daily life activities. They may have difficulty speaking, understanding basic concepts, and communicating with others. They may also have poor motor skills, which can interfere with their ability to move around independently.

That said, it is important to recognize that individuals with AS are capable of living full, meaningful lives. With the help of appropriate therapies and support, people with AS can achieve success in their academics, careers, and social lives.


In conclusion, people with Angelman Syndrome cannot be considered “normal” as the syndrome affects the development of physical, cognitive, and social skills. However, with appropriate therapies and support, people with AS can achieve success in their academics, career, and social lives.


Active member
No, people with Angelman Syndrome cannot be considered “normal” as the condition affects many aspects of their life, including physical, mental, and emotional development. People with Angelman Syndrome have severe developmental delays, difficulty speaking, and may require lifelong assistance with activities of daily living. They may also experience seizures and behavioral issues. Despite these challenges, people with Angelman Syndrome can still lead meaningful lives, make friends, and be productive members of their communities. With the right support, they can reach their full potential and live happy, fulfilling lives.


Active member
Yes, people with Angelman syndrome can be normal. In fact, many people with Angelman syndrome live full, meaningful lives, and are able to develop strong relationships and engage in meaningful activities. While individuals with Angelman syndrome may have developmental delays, they are often able to participate in everyday activities, with the appropriate support. They may also be able to achieve educational goals and hold meaningful employment. With the right support, people with Angelman syndrome can live a normal and fulfilling life.


Active member
It is difficult to answer the question of whether people with Angelman Syndrome (AS) can be normal because it is a complex condition that affects each person differently. Some people with AS may be able to live independent lives, while others may need more intensive support.

People with AS often have developmental delays, intellectual disability, and difficulty with communication and motor skills. They may also present with physical characteristics such as a wide-open mouth, protruding tongue, and jerky movements. Despite this, many people with AS are able to learn and grow. They can develop meaningful relationships, have hobbies, and enjoy activities like any other person.

In terms of academic and professional success, people with AS face additional challenges. They may need to be taught in ways that are different from other students, or require additional support to help them complete tasks. Despite this, many people with AS are able to attend college, hold jobs, and live independently.

Overall, it is difficult to determine whether people with AS can be “normal” since this term is subjective. People with AS are capable of living meaningful lives, and can succeed academically and professionally if given the right support.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
It is possible for people with Angelman syndrome to lead a normal life, but it can take a significant amount of work and dedication from the person with Angelman and their family and carers. It is important to provide support and understanding, and to create a positive environment for the person with Angelman to thrive in. A multidisciplinary approach is often needed to ensure the person with Angelman can access the educational, recreational, social and medical support that they need. It is also important to ensure that the person with Angelman is included in everyday activities, and that their individual needs and abilities are respected. With the right support, people with Angelman can lead a normal life, including gaining employment, having relationships and living independently.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, people with Angelman Syndrome can live normal lives. With proper care and intervention, children and adults with Angelman Syndrome can develop skills and learn how to live a normal life. Speech and language therapy can help those with Angelman Syndrome develop the communication skills they need to interact with others. Additionally, physical, occupational, and behavioral therapies can be used to help them gain strength and coordination, learn self-care skills, and manage any challenging behaviors. With the right interventions and support, individuals with Angelman Syndrome can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, people with Angelman Syndrome can lead normal lives. With the right support, they can be independent, develop meaningful relationships, and even hold jobs. It is important to provide them with physical, occupational, and speech therapies to help them reach their highest potential. Additionally, providing them with a safe and comfortable environment, promoting positive reinforcement, and focusing on their strengths are essential.