What is Angelman Syndrome?
Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a rare neurological disorder that is caused by a genetic mutation or deletion of a specific region on the 15th chromosome. It is characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, motor dysfunction, and speech difficulties. People with AS typically have a happy demeanor, have frequent laughter, and are highly social.
Can People with Angelman Syndrome be Normal?
The short answer is no, people with Angelman Syndrome cannot be considered “normal.” Angelman Syndrome is a lifelong disorder that affects the development of physical, cognitive, and social skills. People with AS often need lifelong care and assistance with daily life activities. They may have difficulty speaking, understanding basic concepts, and communicating with others. They may also have poor motor skills, which can interfere with their ability to move around independently.
That said, it is important to recognize that individuals with AS are capable of living full, meaningful lives. With the help of appropriate therapies and support, people with AS can achieve success in their academics, careers, and social lives.
In conclusion, people with Angelman Syndrome cannot be considered “normal” as the syndrome affects the development of physical, cognitive, and social skills. However, with appropriate therapies and support, people with AS can achieve success in their academics, career, and social lives.