AVM, or Arteriovenous Malformation, is a condition in which abnormal connections between arteries and veins form within the body. These connections can occur almost anywhere in the body, including the brain, spine, and lungs. Though AVM is a serious medical condition, it is possible to leave it untreated in some cases.
Can AVM be Left Untreated?
The answer to this question will depend on the individual situation. Some people with AVM may be able to leave it untreated, while others may need to receive treatment. In some cases, the AVM may be too small to cause any symptoms or significant risks, so it may be safe to leave it untreated. However, if the AVM is larger or causes problems such as bleeding, then it may need to be treated.
Risks of Leaving AVM Untreated
The main risk of leaving an AVM untreated is that it could rupture, leading to serious complications such as bleeding and stroke. If the AVM is located in the brain, then a rupture could cause a hemorrhagic stroke, which can be fatal. In addition, an untreated AVM may also cause headaches, seizures, or other neurological symptoms.
When Should an AVM be Treated?
AVM should be treated if it is causing significant symptoms, or if it is at risk of rupturing. Treatment for AVM typically involves using medications to reduce the size of the abnormal vessels, or using surgery to remove them.
In conclusion, it is possible to leave an AVM untreated in some cases, but it is important to understand the risks and potential complications associated with this decision. If the AVM is causing symptoms or is at risk of rupture, then treatment should be considered, as this can help reduce the risk of serious complications.