Can Addison's disease be missed


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"Hello everyone,

I'm new here and I have a question about Addison's disease. Can it be missed or overlooked by medical professionals? I understand it's a rare condition, but I'm worried that it might have been missed in my case. I'd really appreciate any advice or opinions from anyone who's had any experience with Addison's disease.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, Addison's disease can be missed. Addison’s disease is a rare, chronic endocrine disorder that affects the adrenal glands, and is caused by the destruction of the adrenal cortex. It is often difficult to detect, and can be missed or misdiagnosed in many cases.

Signs and Symptoms of Addison's Disease

The signs and symptoms of Addison’s disease can vary, but typically include:


•Loss of appetite

•Weight loss


•Muscle weakness

•Darkening of skin pigmentation

•Low blood pressure

•Salt cravings

•Abdominal pain

•Joint pain



Diagnosis of Addison's Disease

Addison’s disease can be difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms can be vague and easily mistaken for other illnesses. Diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging studies.

The most common laboratory tests used to diagnose Addison’s disease are adrenal hormone tests, which measure the levels of cortisol and aldosterone in the blood. Other tests may include X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans.

Treatment of Addison's Disease

Treatment for Addison’s disease usually involves the use of medications to replace the hormones that the adrenal glands are not producing. These medications, such as hydrocortisone, prednisone, and fludrocortisone, are taken daily to maintain hormone levels in the body.

In addition to medication, lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, healthy eating, and regular exercise can help to manage the symptoms of Addison’s disease.

In conclusion, Addison’s disease can be difficult to diagnose due to its vague symptoms. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, it can be managed successfully.


Active member
Yes, Addison's disease can be missed. It can be difficult to diagnose, as its symptoms can be similar to those caused by other illnesses. It is especially difficult to identify in its early stages, as its symptoms often come on gradually and aren't always severe. Common signs include fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, and changes in appetite. If these symptoms persist, it's best to consult a doctor, who can run tests to determine if Addison's disease is present. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems, so early diagnosis is key.


Active member
Yes, Addison's disease can be missed. This is because the symptoms can be mild and can be attributed to other illnesses. Some of the symptoms of Addison's disease include fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, and low blood pressure. These symptoms can be attributed to many different illnesses, so it can be difficult to diagnose Addison's disease correctly. Additionally, Addison's disease has a spectrum of severity, so mild cases may not be detected.

In addition, Addison's disease can be missed because it is relatively rare and not often seen by medical professionals. Physicians may be unfamiliar with the symptoms of the disease and may not think to check for it, especially in mild cases. Furthermore, Addison's disease is often linked to other autoimmune conditions, so it can be confused with other diseases.

To ensure that Addison's disease isn't missed, physicians should be aware of the symptoms and should inquire about the patient's medical history. Additionally, physicians should consider testing for other autoimmune conditions in patients with symptoms of Addison's disease. It is also important to note that some of the symptoms of Addison's disease can be caused by other illnesses, so further testing may be required to rule out other causes.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Can Addison's disease be missed?

Yes, it is possible for Addison's disease to be missed. This is because the symptoms of the condition can be quite mild and easily mistaken for other conditions or illnesses. Additionally, many physicians do not routinely screen for Addison's disease during physicals, and thus it may go undetected. If you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, low blood pressure, and darkening of the skin, it is important to discuss them with your doctor in order to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.


Active member
Yes, it is possible for Addison's disease to be missed. Many of the symptoms of Addison's can be similar to other medical conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. In addition, some of the symptoms, such as fatigue, can be overlooked or attributed to other factors. For example, if a person is feeling fatigued because they are working too hard, they may not connect it with an underlying medical condition. Additionally, other symptoms, such as weight loss, may not be noticed if the person is not weighed regularly. Therefore, it is possible for Addison's disease to be missed.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, Addison's disease can be missed. Generally, it is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can be subtle and mimic other conditions. If a person is not tested for the condition and their health care provider is not aware of their risk, it can easily go undiagnosed. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms and get tested if there is any suspicion of the disease.