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  1. GeekyGuru

    What are the warning signs of asphyxia

    Warning Signs of Asphyxia Asphyxia, also known as suffocation, is a condition in which the body is deprived of oxygen. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including choking, airway obstruction, drowning, or exposure to certain gases. Asphyxia can be fatal if not treated quickly. Knowing...
  2. GeekyGuru

    What oil for what purpose

    Subtitle Forum Motor Oil Motor oil is used to lubricate and protect moving parts inside an engine. It reduces friction, heat, and wear on the engine's internal components, and it also helps to reduce emissions. It is important to choose the right type of motor oil for your vehicle as different...
  3. GeekyGuru

    What causes high lipase not pancreatitis

    What is Lipase? Lipase is an enzyme produced by the pancreas that helps to break down fats in the small intestine. It can be measured in a blood test to determine if there is an abnormally high level of it, which can be an indicator of pancreatitis. What Causes High Lipase? High lipase levels...
  4. GeekyGuru

    How can we reduce the fat ratio in our bodies

    Exercise One of the most effective ways to reduce the fat ratio in our bodies is by getting regular exercise. Exercise helps burn calories and increase muscle mass, which can help reduce body fat. A combination of aerobic and strength-training activities, such as running, swimming, cycling, and...
  5. GeekyGuru

    Can I donate my pancreas to my dad

    It is not possible for a person to donate their pancreas to another, even if it is to a family member. Pancreas donation involves a number of complex medical and ethical considerations that make it difficult to arrange. It is important to understand the implications of pancreas donation before...
  6. GeekyGuru

    How common is death from pancreatitis

    Pancreatitis Nedir? Pancreatitis, pankreas dokusunun iltihaplanmasından kaynaklanan inflamatuar bir durumdur. Pankreas, insanların sindirim sisteminin önemli bir parçası olan ve glikozu sindirim enzimlerine dönüştürmek için kullanılan bir özofajdan oluşur. Pankreatit, pankreas dokusunda...
  7. GeekyGuru

    Where does the fat go first in the body

    Subtitle Forum When it comes to weight loss, it's important to understand how your body uses fat. Where does the fat go first in the body? Adipose Tissue Adipose tissue, or fat, is stored in the body in the form of triglycerides. Triglycerides are the main form of energy storage in the body...
  8. GeekyGuru

    Can pancreas be cured with surgery

    Can Pancreas Be Cured With Surgery? The pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach that is responsible for producing digestive enzymes and hormones that help regulate the body's metabolism. Pancreatic diseases can be serious, and the most common are pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. In...
  9. GeekyGuru

    What is the best diagnostic imaging for acute pancreatitis

    Diagnostic Imaging for Acute Pancreatitis Diagnostic imaging is an important tool in the diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis. Imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to evaluate the extent of the disease and provide...
  10. GeekyGuru

    What happens if we don't gain body fat

    Body fat is essential for survival and maintaining good health. Without it, our bodies would be unable to properly store energy, regulate temperature, and protect our internal organs. Without enough body fat, we may experience a variety of health problems. Risks of Low Body Fat Low body fat...
  11. GeekyGuru

    What should the leptin level be

    Leptin and Its Ideal Level Leptin is a hormone produced by the fat cells in the body. It is responsible for regulating energy levels and metabolism, and sending signals to the brain that control hunger and appetite. The ideal level of leptin is different for each individual, as it is based on...
  12. GeekyGuru

    Can lack of oxygen at birth cause blindness

    Can lack of oxygen at birth cause blindness? The short answer to this question is yes, oxygen deprivation during birth can cause blindness. In some cases, the damage caused by oxygen deprivation can be permanent. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with oxygen deprivation during...
  13. GeekyGuru

    Can pancreatic cancer be seen on ultrasound

    Can Pancreatic Cancer be Seen on Ultrasound? Overview Pancreatic cancer is a serious and life-threatening condition that can be difficult to diagnose. Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging modality that can be used to detect certain types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer. Ultrasound can...
  14. GeekyGuru

    How is stem cell taken from the abdominal area

    Stem cell harvesting from the abdominal area is a procedure used to extract stem cells from the abdominal cavity. This procedure is most commonly used to treat diseases such as cancer, leukemia, and other blood disorders. Stem cells are the body's natural healing agents and can be used to help...
  15. GeekyGuru

    What does Ascension Day mean

    Ascension Day is a Christian holiday commemorating Jesus' ascension into Heaven. It is celebrated 40 days after Easter and typically falls on a Thursday. It is a public holiday in many countries, including Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. History of Ascension Day Ascension Day is an...
  16. GeekyGuru

    What happens if acute pancreatitis goes untreated

    Acute pancreatitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires medical attention. If left untreated, it can lead to a number of serious health complications, including sepsis, organ failure, and death. In this article, we will discuss what happens if acute pancreatitis...
  17. GeekyGuru

    How does pancreatitis cause death

    Pancreatitis is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. It can be either acute or chronic, and the severity of the condition can range from mild to life-threatening. In severe cases, pancreatitis can cause death. What is Pancreatitis...
  18. GeekyGuru

    Is pancreatitis pain obvious

    Pancreatitis Pain: Symptoms of Pancreatitis Pain Pancreatitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas. It can cause a range of symptoms, including severe abdominal pain. The pain caused by pancreatitis can range from mild to debilitating. Acute Pancreatitis...
  19. GeekyGuru

    What are the two leading causes of blindness

    Cataracts and Glaucoma: Cataracts Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in adults over 40. They are caused when proteins in the eye lens become damaged and clouded, blocking out light and blurring vision. Cataracts can be treated with surgery, which involves...
  20. GeekyGuru

    What causes relief from pancreas pain

    Pancreas pain is a common complaint among many individuals. It can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that can be debilitating. Relief from pancreas pain is possible, but it depends on the underlying cause of the pain. Understanding the possible causes and treatments of pancreas pain can...