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  1. GeekyGuru

    What are the features of traumatic pneumothorax

    Traumatic pneumothorax is an uncommon but serious medical condition caused by a rupture of the lung due to trauma. It occurs when air enters the pleural space, which is the area between the lungs and the chest wall. Traumatic pneumothorax can cause a wide range of symptoms, including chest pain...
  2. GeekyGuru

    What are serial killers with no feelings

    Serial killers are individuals who have committed multiple murders in a patterned behavior. This type of criminal is often characterized by their lack of remorse or emotion when killing their victims. Serial killers with no feelings represent a unique subset of serial killers, who often have a...
  3. GeekyGuru

    What are some facts about hemolytic anemia

    • Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells. • The destruction of red blood cells can be caused by a number of factors, including certain medications, autoimmune diseases, and infections. • Symptoms of hemolytic anemia can include fatigue, shortness of...
  4. GeekyGuru

    What can you eat after pancreas surgery

    Subtitle Forum Pancreas surgery is a major procedure that affects the way you digest and absorb nutrients. In the weeks and months following a pancreas surgery, it is important to choose foods that are easy to digest, low in fat, and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to recover...
  5. GeekyGuru

    Is pancreatitis treated with medication

    Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can be caused by a variety of factors, including alcohol abuse, gallstones, medications, certain infections, and autoimmune disorders. Treatment for pancreatitis varies depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. In some...
  6. GeekyGuru

    Should ALT always be higher than AST

    ALT and AST are both important markers in the blood that measure the amount of certain enzymes in the body. They are both important in determining the overall health of a person, but they should not always be higher than one another. What is ALT? ALT stands for alanine aminotransferase, which...
  7. GeekyGuru

    What diseases are associated with hemolytic anemia

    Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells (RBCs) are destroyed faster than the body can replace them. This leads to a decrease in the number of RBCs, resulting in anemia. Hemolytic anemia can be caused by a number of different diseases and conditions. Autoimmune Diseases...
  8. GeekyGuru

    Is jaw cyst dangerous

    Jaw cysts are not usually considered dangerous, but they can cause discomfort and pain. In rare cases, they can cause complications and lead to further medical problems. What is a Jaw Cyst? A jaw cyst is a bony growth that develops in the jawbone and can range in size from a few millimeters to...
  9. GeekyGuru

    What are synonyms for asphyxiation in English

    Synonyms for Asphyxiation: Suffocation Suffocation is the inability to breathe adequately due to an obstruction of the airways or lack of oxygen. It is a form of asphyxiation and is often fatal. Strangulation Strangulation is the act of compressing a person's neck with external force...
  10. GeekyGuru

    What are the main types of personalities

    The Four Main Personality Types Personality types are usually divided into four main categories: introverts, extroverts, thinkers, and feelers. Each type has its own unique qualities and characteristics. Introverts are people who are usually quiet and reserved. They like to be alone and...
  11. GeekyGuru

    What are the three transfusion reactions

    Transfusion reactions are adverse reactions that occur when a person receives a blood transfusion. There are three major types of transfusion reactions: acute, delayed, and allergic/anaphylactic reactions. Acute Transfusion Reactions Acute transfusion reactions are usually caused by the...
  12. GeekyGuru

    What are the 3 types of pancreas

    Types of Pancreas The pancreas is an organ that helps to regulate blood sugar levels and produces enzymes that aid in digestion. It is composed of three types of cells: exocrine, endocrine, and neuroendocrine cells. Exocrine Cells Exocrine cells make up the majority of the pancreas and...
  13. GeekyGuru

    How rare is a pancreas transplant

    Pancreas Transplant Overview Pancreas transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting a healthy pancreas from a donor into a person who has diabetes and/or other diseases of the pancreas. The procedure helps the recipient to better regulate their blood sugars and improve their...
  14. GeekyGuru

    How do you recover from a pancreas infection

    Symptoms of Pancreas Infection The symptoms of pancreas infection can vary depending on the type and severity of infection. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and loss of appetite. Other symptoms may include fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal swelling...
  15. GeekyGuru

    Is there a biomarker for chronic pancreatitis

    Subtitle Forum: Biomarkers for Chronic Pancreatitis Biomarkers are measurable indicators of a disease or condition. They are used to diagnose and monitor a range of illnesses, including chronic pancreatitis. A biomarker for chronic pancreatitis would be invaluable in helping to diagnose and...
  16. GeekyGuru

    What are the 3 types of anti social Behaviour

    Subtitle Forum: Types of Anti Social Behaviour Anti-social behaviour is defined as behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm, distress or harassment to one or more people in a given community. It can range from minor offences such as littering or vandalism, to more serious criminal...
  17. GeekyGuru

    What are the main types of asphyxia

    Asphyxia is a condition that occurs when a person is deprived of oxygen and cannot breathe. It can be caused by a variety of different factors, including choking, drowning, electric shock, and exposure to toxic gases. Asphyxia can lead to serious health complications, including brain damage and...
  18. GeekyGuru

    Does pancreatitis affect hemoglobin

    Does Pancreatitis Affect Hemoglobin? Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, a large organ located behind the stomach. It is a potentially life-threatening condition that can cause severe abdominal pain and other symptoms. In some cases, it can cause anemia, a condition which is...
  19. GeekyGuru

    How do I know if my pancreas is failing

    The pancreas is a vital organ in the body that produces hormones and enzymes necessary for digestion and metabolism. When the pancreas is failing, it can cause a wide range of symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose. If you suspect that your pancreas may be failing, it's important to consult...
  20. GeekyGuru

    Is acute pancreatitis long lasting inflammation and damage and Cannot be cured

    Acute Pancreatitis: Long-Lasting Inflammation and Damage? Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is a vital organ located behind the stomach. It is a condition that can range in severity from mild to life-threatening. Acute pancreatitis is a sudden and severe form of...