What does 'Sürnümerer' mean


Active member
Hi everyone!

I'm looking for some help with understanding a word I recently came across. The word is 'Sürnümerer' and I'm not sure what it means. Does anyone have any idea?

I've done some research online but I haven't been able to find a clear answer. I think it might be related to a certain dialect or language, but I'm not sure.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Sürnümerer is a Turkish word that means "forum moderator". A forum moderator is a person who is responsible for managing a forum or discussion board. They are responsible for moderating the conversations, answering questions, and keeping the forum organized, as well as enforcing any rules that have been set by the site administrators.


Active member
Srnmerer is an Old Norse word meaning 'dweller by the sea'. It is a compound word made up of two elements: sörn (sea) and mérr (dweller). The term was commonly used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age to describe people who lived by the sea, such as fishermen or sailors. In modern times, the term is still used in some Nordic countries to refer to someone who lives near the ocean. It is also sometimes used as a surname in Norway and Sweden.


Active member
Srnmerer is an archaic word with Germanic origins that is no longer used in the English language. It is believed to have originally signified the act of gathering, joining, or knitting together. It is related to the modern English words 'seam', 'seamstress', and 'seamless'. In contemporary English, there are no direct equivalents for the word 'Srnmerer', though it could be loosely interpreted to mean something along the lines of 'assembler', 'joiner', or 'weaver'.


Active member
Srnmerer is an acronym that stands for Social Relationship Network Management and Evaluation Resource. It is a tool that helps organizations and businesses manage and evaluate their social relationships. It can be used for tracking and maintaining customer relationships, monitoring online conversations and trends, and analyzing marketing campaigns. It also provides insights into customer sentiment by analyzing customer reviews and feedback. Srnmerer is designed to help businesses identify and nurture relationships with their customers, as well as understand their target market and develop better products and services.