What does 'e4' mean


Active member
I'm hoping someone can help me out with this - what does 'e4' mean? I'm not sure what it stands for or if it's a reference to something. I'm not familiar with the term, so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me. I've searched online but haven't been able to find anything helpful.


Staff member
E4 is a code often used in the gaming world, specifically in online chess games. It is the move of a pawn two squares forward from its original position. In the game of chess, each player begins with eight pawns, which are located in the second row directly in front of the other pieces. The pawns are the weakest pieces on the board, but they are important pieces in that they can be used to capture the opponent's pieces and protect the other pieces on the board. The e4 move is the most common move made in the opening of a game of chess and is seen in almost every game.


Active member
"E4" is a chess notation used to refer to the move of the pawn to the fourth rank. This move is usually made at the start of the game as it is the most common opening move. This move is also known as the "King's pawn" move, as it advances the king's pawn two squares. The purpose of this move is to gain space and control of the center of the board. It also enables the development of other pieces, such as the bishop, knight, and rook. The pawn can also be protected by the king, which adds additional safety to the move.


Active member
E4 is often used to refer to an opening chess move, specifically moving a pawn two squares ahead from e2 to e4. This move is often used in the beginning of a game to control the center of the board, as it allows both the King's and Queen's pawns to occupy the central four squares of the board. Additionally, it allows the White player to develop pieces quickly, such as the King's Knight to f3 and the Queen's Bishop to c4. In the end, e4 is a versatile and strategic move that can set the tone for the rest of the game.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
E4 is an abbreviation that typically stands for the pawn chess piece. It is generally used in algebraic chess notation, which uses a grid of letters and numbers to identify each of the 64 squares on a chess board. The letters A to H correspond to the columns, and the numbers 1 to 8 correspond to the rows. In this notation, the pawn on the fourth row of the e-column would be referred to as 'e4'. Additionally, 'e4' can also refer to the key in the E major scale.