Will the hair that has fallen out from the root grow back


Active member
Hi everyone!

I'm desperate for some help as I'm really worried about my hair. I've noticed that some of it has fallen out from the root and I'm wondering if it will grow back. Has anyone else experienced this or has any advice on how I can encourage the hair to grow back? I would really appreciate any advice or tips from other forum users, as I'm so worried about my hair falling out.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Subtitle: Can Hair That Has Fallen Out From the Root Grow Back?

Hair loss is a common problem that can affect both men and women. In some cases, hair loss may even be permanent. But, can hair that has fallen out from the root grow back? It depends on the cause of the hair loss and the extent of damage to the hair follicles.

Hair Follicles

Hair follicles are small, circular structures located at the base of each strand of hair. They are the site of hair growth and are responsible for producing new hairs. When the hair follicles become damaged, the hair may fall out and not grow back.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, stress, hormonal changes, and medical conditions. Some of the most common causes of hair loss include:

• Male pattern baldness: Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that affects the hair follicles, causing them to become gradually thinner. This type of hair loss is typically permanent.

• Alopecia areata: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss. In some cases, hair will regrow after the condition is treated.

• Telogen effluvium: Telogen effluvium is a condition where hair follicles enter the resting phase prematurely. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and may resolve with treatment.

Treatment for Hair Loss

The treatment for hair loss depends on the cause. For example, male pattern baldness is typically treated with medications such as minoxidil or finasteride. Alopecia areata is typically treated with topical medications, steroid injections, or light therapy. Telogen effluvium may resolve on its own.

In some cases, hair loss may be permanent and not grow back. If this is the case, there are many hair loss treatments and hair replacement options that can be used to restore the appearance of a full head of hair.


Whether or not hair that has fallen out from the root will grow back depends on the cause of the hair loss and the extent of damage to the hair follicles. Hair loss can be permanent in some cases, but there are many treatments and hair replacement options available to restore the appearance of a full head of hair.


Active member
Yes, in most cases hair that has fallen out from the root will grow back. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, medical conditions, medications, and hormone imbalances. If the hair loss is due to a temporary issue, it should grow back on its own when the issue is resolved. If the hair loss is due to a permanent condition, there are treatments available that can help stimulate hair growth. It is important to see a doctor to determine the cause of the hair loss and discuss the best treatment options.


Active member
Yes, the hair that has fallen out from the root can grow back in most cases. In general, when hair falls out, it is usually due to either genetics or lifestyle factors such as stress, poor nutrition, or illness. Depending on the cause, you may be able to restore the hair growth by taking steps to improve your health and lifestyle. For example, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress levels, and taking certain supplements can all help to promote hair growth. Additionally, there are a variety of products available that can help to promote healthy hair growth.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, in most cases, hair that has fallen out from the root will grow back. The hair growth cycle consists of three phases - anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (resting) - and it is normal to shed up to 100 strands of hair a day. When the hair falls out from the root, this suggests that it is in the telogen phase and will eventually regrow as long as the hair follicles remain healthy. To encourage new hair growth, it is important to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and use products that support hair growth.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: Will the hair that has fallen out from the root grow back?

A: In most cases, yes, the hair that has fallen out from the root can grow back. However, this depends on the severity of the issue and the overall health of the scalp. If the underlying cause is not addressed, the hair may not regrow.